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tbone1fire last won the day on June 4 2016

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1 Follower

About tbone1fire

  • Birthday September 18

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Firefighting, Lifeguarding and Playing Emergency 4 Mods

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  1. i so wish this mod was public
  2. It would be nice to see some of the volunteers actually be able to heal instead of stabilize. and have some povs be able to go to the scene.
  3. any new information its been over a month since anything has been said @TACRfan
  4. It all depends on the state laws
  5. glad to see you guys are back
  6. I have edited some free play stuff to make it more realist but no calls spawn when I i start the game any help would be nice I have attached the files I have edited fp_params_endless(b).xml fp_params_endless.xml fp_params_endless_2_mp.xml fp_params_endless_3_mp.xml fp_params_endless_d.xml
  7. any word on progress we haven't heard anything in along time
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