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Everything posted by EM4life

  1. NICE, can u also make an orange version of this same truck and mabe make one of those larger trucks with that large arrow on top?
  2. BTW: for any reason, im a good light moder so if u need help just ask and i have a question, how do you make the lights go past 1.00 offset and stay in EM3?
  3. SWEET LOOKING CARS love the light bars, awsome rotators!
  4. ok sry just saying, it looks great!
  5. Maybe the trunk is a LITTLE out too far? Need mor room for brake lights? Other than that, GREAT! If u could give it a skin, maybe it would be easier to spot faults..?
  6. You guys i dont think Hoppah is going to help you with EM3 since its old, and he has A LOT to do. I can say for mission 17, u can go into editor and remove the fire? And sry about missing vehicles. might as well be...
  7. Ya, include all vehicles even if not in NY. Evan if u CAN call them, you dont have to.
  8. GREAT JOB, that model is better 10/10!!!
  9. do u think there is a corupted shared file in both? just like be for: 1. where put file? 2. why is it enternet? 3. does the la mod have to NOT be modified? and ur NOT supost to put in map folder! ^rihis dont answer u didn't hep me twice b4^
  10. ha ha, very funny EM4fan Sry aboult the failing people... Maybe u should talk to the guys making the other NY mod, they got their guys to work...
  11. Are those cars in NY? Or did u throw that together to show us?
  12. I did that, no dice. First, why is the file a Internet file? Second, where EXACTLY do u put the file. And third, when u open the file its the exact same file inside. Sry, im no good at putting in sub mods...
  13. Im sry to ask but...how EXACTLY do u activate a sub mod in the game? I tried every thing but it WONT WORK! It's like this every time: GREAT MODELS!
  14. If that is an opening door, witch it looks like, than you might have to edit the door. Maybe darken it? Great models!!
  15. Can we please refoucus our atention to the NYC mod here? I mean this IS an NYC mod. By the way, how is the mod coming bama? PS: the model is cool
  16. When puting FDNY vehicles in the stations, there is a lader truck (usually a tiller or Mack), a pumper, and a batalion chief.
  17. THANX, that's wat I mean^ the double light bar in the back. Looks cool huh?
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