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Everything posted by EM4life

  1. Ok, so I've reskinned my CV, but it won't let me save it in the models/vehicles/03 LA Police folder. Where do I save it at?
  2. The original is never enough huh?
  3. Thank god the topic's reopened. Great looking paramedics, cant wait to see more!
  4. I meant color the individual led squres, like in the "Lakeview Terrace" movie, if you saw it. ^ A pretty good example. ^
  5. Thanks man! The PD cars are great, especially the one with the colored lightbar. Might I suggest a version with the whole lightbar colored, not just the top?
  6. Wow, what a great car! Reminds me of those two new LAPD cars that were just released. Maybe you should color the roof of the lightbar...
  7. Well, if I wanted it to double wigwag then it would not show the 1.5, but a 1.0. I think it's some kind of glitch in the light system.
  8. Hey, I was wondering if anyone had an explanation of why,in the editor, when setting light's offset past 1.00, they show up in game as 1.00. So lets say I set a light at 1.50, I then exit the editor, start up EM3, and start the game, I see that the light is now flashing at 1.00. I would like to have ligts at 0.00, 0.50, 1.00, and 1.50 so as to have a back and forth wigwag pattern.
  9. After DLing this mod, I saw that the siren on the medical vehicles seems to not work, it shows an error message. You can choose to ignore it and run it with no sirens or keep retrying untill it works. But you have to do this each time the siren is activated, ether manually (pressing button) or activating the SOCI ( when moving the vehicle (with it activated)).
  10. You don't wanna know...

  11. It does too! I say we have american units! Maybe we could vote?
  12. I added those lights in myself. It took a while but it's nothing to get worked up over.
  13. This is a mod...hence the name "NYC Private Mod". True it's private but if Bama was to remodel Hoppah's vehicles to something else, it would be his own. BTW: Bama, since it is hard to look through all the pages looking for pics of current vehicles...I was wondering if you could put all the pics on the first post and update it with current work?
  14. So let me get this stait...you have the mod installed but it is glitched right? Can I have a pic?
  15. The easyest thing to do is go into freeplay, open the "spawn points" button in the editor pane, select each spawn point entering the map and set it lower or to zero. personally I've never had any traffic problems in v2.0, you have that right? If not I sugest you get it. BTW:MERRY CRISTMAS
  16. Yes they are, Tim from the NY mod has made a mounted police officer a LONG time ago as well as an officer that lets a dog attack a person WAY before I heard Hoppah was doing it. Why don't you just use the LAFD FF/Paramedic? It's the same right? They might look different but they serve the same purpose.
  17. Are you still modding or are you focusing on your real life? If you don't have any time it's ok, I can understand that. Hope to at least see you around!
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