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    British Police Force, Programming, Teaching Computers.

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  1. You want http://www.amazon.com/Atari-40477rst-Responders-911-Download/dp/B0049B2FP4. That is, indeed, 911: First Responders (which is the same as Emergency 4), but is guarenteed to be in english. I would bear in mind though that that download has a lot of bad comments about problems... so it is up to you
  2. Nah. I do NOT have a couple of months... lol. Never mind. Sorry...
  3. No idea. All I can say is I don't think you want spawns for this job... what you need is a parking zone that you can send a firetruck to... I think... This will need custom scripting. Unless you don't need "Return to Fire station" button on your firetrucks. In which case discredit everything I said... a spawn would work.
  4. Install the LA Mod to a folder, and call the folder whatever you want. Drag and drop it into the EM4/Mods folder, (in program files) then go to the file in the folder you made called "Info" (I think) and open it with notepad. Inside it's XML: just change the values written inside to the ones you want and presto!
  5. 2.1 IS 2.0 with some bugfixes all submods still work.
  6. There! Finished it! Sorry about no screenshot Image hosting was down... Full working program available for download Extract all files into the Los Angeles Mod 2.1 root folder, and run the program (Best run as Admin). Map Switcher.zip
  7. Can I make the BAT file into a cool GUI program? I can do that very quickly (I just need permission to use the LA Mod Logo). Thanks in advance
  8. A taser would be great for the london mod...
  9. Oooooohhh... It's just a map texture :/ so someone has to make the map itself. Thats where I come in! O.o
  10. I'll help you! What kinda stuff do you need done? I can make the website and the Logo if you like
  11. Well, it's the same map layout... but I changed everything. I used all new textures etc. Nothing but the general layout is his.
  12. Actually, I havent got permission for this yet... I'm still waiting. It's hard, because hes banned... But, I will release it if I get permission. Until then, it's going to stay unreleased, but I will keep posting screenshots and progress. I doubt he won't give me permission, as I have done a lot of hard work that he would have otherwise had to do. But keep an eye on this, he may get unbanned... then we will have... er... 2.0? I'm making this map for LA Mod 2.0.2 with no addons, but It should work with all addons too
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