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Posts posted by Dosedmonkey

  1. Well you got to just do it using simple maths, equally space small nights out on the outside of a beacon, and make them lead from one to the other by using the correct timings, your going to need a lot of lights to make a perfect rotating beacon in this games engine, a less you put in animated beacons models, that work on the same principle as a light house.

  2. Oh its the one on Portland, I should be able to get some pictures for you this weekend JPH if they don't e-mail back my friend. :12:

    Some photos of Weymouth RNLI Station (grey building with blue rim on roof) with the Severn Class outside, the in-shore boat is kept further down the harbour side.





  3. Nice one JPH! :12: Does the building contain land vehicles? Where is that based? Is that in poole? As they have a funny shaped RNLI one I remember there also.

    Sadly I have just been doing 'file admin' to the mod this last weekend, as well as some minor tweaks on models and skins to finish them off, so I don't really have much in the way of screenshots for you guys. But i can assure you the mod is coming along.

    As for % to completion, who knows, depends how complete, or how much stuff we have in game when we feel like releasing the first version. :12:

    Other then bomb disposal Unit, I think we have all the units you need to play freeplay now, plus many more. Want to change the in game HUD/Dispatch system and put in the Atlantic and Severn lifeboat properly before I make a video though.

    As for the hovercraft, currently waterbourne, but I plan to code it so it can go on beach/mud/swamp areas later though, when I get a chance!

  4. Sorry I meant to say yes to the RNLI and police, lol, stupid me! Not sure if it will be automated or player controlled, getting the RNLI crew from their day jobs to the RNLI station. Also in this town, only one engine and one ladder is pernamently crewed, the second engine is volenteers so not sure what will happen there, but there is one guy who works in the ASDA bakery across the road from the fire station that i see sprinting to the station sometimes lol.

  5. Yes to police station, a small one, the main HQ will be off map.

    As for the hospital, there is a none A&E one, that used to be A&E though, so has the ambulance lane infrastructure still, just off the map in reality, so I am un-sure whether to add it or not on the edge of the map. I wish EM4 had bigger maps he he.

  6. Yeah, place the axis of rotation, so the part of the door that moves the least, on the position where the X,Y,Z 0 is on zmodeler.

    Then add the door to EM4 editor to the door childs. Then when adding to the vehicle in the vehicles childs make sure you change the axis of rotation.

  7. Great updates! I loved everything but why is the hovercraft so small? I hope JPH will help you with his programming knowledge :)

    Its longer then the police van, and the widest vehicle in the mod, it has a low profile due to there needing to be a good air intake to the turbines. It is only designed to take three RNLI crew and a few survivors. Isometric view that the game uses often makes vehicles look odd, as you are used to seeing them from the ground normally.

    This photo is a good scale.


  8. I give people permission from scripts all the time. That doesn't mean I HAVE TO tell them how to use and modify the script for their mod.

    Other modders would help the person if they request help of them usually. I never said you had to, I merely pointed out it was worth him PMing them. I am guessing he took the ladder from another mod anyway. Maybe post something constructive to the thread that might help him? :12:

    Stan - good point, forgot that one.

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