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Posts posted by Dosedmonkey

  1. Money is just a form of allowing people to do what their best at, then use that money to gain what they need from other people who are skilled at their professions too. Some are more money hungry then others, but its not the monies fault, different people work very hard at getting different things, or have different ideals.

  2. Also what people have got to remember is that fighting in war is not the only thing to do to 'serve your country'

    There are many other ways of doing this like becoming a doctor and generally helping in your country this is still serving your country and is just as important.

    Well, most Doctors do it because they get paid £130k a year, unlike a normal soldier on 16-20k (UK numbers for example here). They aren't risking their own lifes to save others exactly. This is more true in countries like USA where all doctors are currently private, and people get ripped off big style for healthcare.

    Fireman, Policemen and to a degree Paramedics, they do put their neck out on the line to help other people though, and I massively apprecaite that. :12:

  3. lol

    They started about a year ago and people already start complaining that it's taking so long. It seems like their first release is already going to contain more than the latest LA Mod version. It took me 3 years to get this far. Where is the patience? Do you really expect a mod like that (the complexity) can be released that fast? Show some respect or come back when you have grown up.

    Completely agree. I just ignore these comments though, A. Shows popularity and support in a weird way B. lots of young'ins on here. :P

  4. I have many friends in the forces, one of my best friends has done three tours in Afgahnistan. I personnaly would be in the forces, and still can be called upon to go to war as I'm a Marine Engineering Officer in the Merch Navy, which includes the Royal Fleet Axuliaries who are armed, and well for example unarmed Merch Navy guys died in the Flaklands also.

    Now for my explinations to Afghan and Iraq...

    People who say we should bring the troops home today clearly have no understanding of warfare, its history and its greater effect on home, abroad, economy, social effects and international relations. People die in wars and that rate is not directly proportional to troops deployed and deaths are relatively low for the intensity of fighting and guerrila tactics of the taliban.

    The war in Iraq has nothing to do with Afgahistan, we were in Afgahnistan before Iraq also, although both in the middle east, they otherwise have no connection.

    In the 1980s Iraq had a extensive chemical (biological included) and nuclear research programme, America did not have chemical weapons nor par-take in any conflicts still since they were still sore over Vietnam, busy restructing their own forces still.

    However the UK did sell much of its hardware to Iraq in the 1980s Iraq vs. Iran war. Iraq had large amounts of WMDs removed off it in the first Gulf War, but in my opinion, it was probably just to keep fuel prices low, and yes a lot of wars you barely here of happen to keep the economy steady and food, luxuries and oil supplied to our homes. Not that I'm saying Iraq was just.

    Someone who claims "Who has even ever herd of Afgahnistan anyway" shows complete selfishness to over beings, inhumanitarinism and a sad lack of knowledge of geography and world history. I mean it was only a major battlefield of the Cold War.

    So anyway, I'm glad to say most people in Britian and America, although I can not talk for the other NATO countries, as I do not know the answer, but for Britian and America, the majority of people, the more level headed ones, greatly support the armed forces and our proud of what they are doing out their to help Afgahn, the Afgahnistan population, and home security. :12:

  5. Thanks to the lack of real animation tools for EM4 its becoming a bit of a project in itself, its on the back burners currently, until I find a good method of implimenting it. ;)

    Spending most the time currently coding new functions into the game, so the gameplay is just as good as the new vehicles :12:

  6. Secondly, there's been a bit of debate about St Johns Ambulance in the game. In my view, they should not be included.

    This game is all about emergencies, and St Johns do not normally deal with emergencies. They are only called to provide medical cover as a strictly last resort option, when medical services from neighbouring areas / districts are unavailable to cover, and in extreme civil contingencies (bombs, earthquakes etc etc). But rest assured, they are almost never called on (at least not in my area). The NHS has to have a list of backups, so that if (for example) there was a gas explosion at the ambulance depot and all ambulances were destroyed, they could still provide a service. The list includes nearby military formations, fire & rescue units and st johns, the local TA and cadets, but I don't think the modders will want the hassle of including all of these? Whilst this game does test some civil contingencies, its still not right to have every agency included on call. I mean, in a forest fire they might call in the forrestry comission, but the game devs are (in my opinion, quite rightly) unlikely to include every single emergency agency for every contingency.

    At this time, my opinion reflects Yuris, adding them to the game will not add anything, just work load. If theres any modern, unique units, such as mass casualty that St. Johns has, but other services don't and you can find photos for it, then I would think about putting them into the mod for more serious emergencies.

    EDIT... when we do have our new dispatch system coded into the mod, there would be a use for St. Johns though now I come to think of it. :huh:

  7. Okay, basically, what Yuri was saying on a day to day NHS take emergency calls, not St. Johns, he also said it was his opinion, not fact, so please don't take offense, doesn't matter what training you did, thats not going to help me make the mod, to be quite frank. Theres topics for that in off-topic.

    So I actually went and googled st. johns and read about them, they do have emergency and paramedic ability, but they are there to support the NHS, when they are over stretched, or can not reach a rural area quickly, they will be called upon, but can take over a hour to respond to major incidents with more then first aid equipment, for example the London Bombings, not that this makes it any less a important contribution, just not the first line of response.

    In November they were assisting in the floods in Cumbria, this is the most rescent major example, although they support at Football Games, and other events, where, more commonly minor accidents occur, however major injuries could still occur. I mean in first aid you do heart attacks and strokes, and they're not that minor to the person having it!


    Also on a unrelated note, the importance of first aiders was pointed out to me when I did my advanced course, in the UK less then 2% of all people are first aid trained. ;)

  8. World War II mod? :23_31_4:

    Oh and to answer your question, its because you want the model position in zmodeler the correct height, when click the move tool, in the sub options you need to tick the top option, I forget what its called, then just move the axis logo, (x,y,z arrows) to below your model, the hieght you require, and this will export it the right height. Make sure it's centred left to right, and moving it between front and back changes rotation for turning corners, generally centered, but for large trucks often moved towards the rear axel

  9. Yuri, you saved me a lot of typing, I completely agree with your statement about St. Johns, they did have mass casualty units, but the most recent I've seen is late 1980s early 1990s build, so obviously was never used. The best example of this perhaps is the last London bombings, where only NHS ambulances appeared on scene as far as I've ever noticed.

    We are planning to add another ambulance and paramedic rapid response car yet.

    I think with the hat, if I made the visor black, the tops black, and the top white, the viser turns white. Character models are a little screwed up in EM4 as Zmodeler does not import them properly, so its impossible to UVMap them again as far as I'm aware.

  10. Hookers are hookers, they exist in every country. :gut:

    Yeah but they're kind of covered in needle holes, drugged upto to hell and your likely to catch a disease so your willy falls off in Britian. Plus you don't really get to pick them a less you go to one of those secret millionaire's partys lol. :P

  11. £150 a month :) and i if i crash i have to pay something like £600 if i claim on insurance just for reporting it to them

    Great times XD


    You obviously went for higher premium for lower monthly down pay ment, that is a very high premium though. Guessing your 17/18 just passed? And that premium goes into the repairs usually.

    But the idea is any damage upto £200-300 you never want to claim for anyway, as it ruins your no claim bonus, just pay out for it. :)

  12. Yeah but you also want to quickly identify which vehicle its coming from, so a white ambulance looks far too much like a white transit van from a distance and could cause confusion I guess, especailly in a situation where your using your mirrors on a motorway for example. This is why they still now developing new sirens, for better directional and vibration awareness.

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