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Posts posted by Dosedmonkey

  1. Well go through the downloads page, that has al the mods you can download almost, and theres a fair few there!!

    Latvia mod now has a release also, thats well worth trying.

    Also there are a variety of submods for LA mod, although these aren't really my kind of thing.

    But tbh, if you want something to fill your time til more mods come out, try modding or mapping for yourself hehe, it helps tie you across til your next EM4 mod fix!!

  2. are you going to add new commands of any kind (just asking really becuase this mod look awsome) i got a few:

    also will there be emergency building like

    Thanks for all the work mate and keep it up :cheers-mate: .

    I have placed some custom scripts in, plan to do more, but my biggest enemy at the moment is the fact I am doing this mod single handed. So I plan to get all the vehicles and personnel in first, before playing with too many more scripts!

    As for buildings, in the first release no, it will just be vehicles and personnel, then the second release will be for custom maps, including a coastal freeplay map.

  3. Its actually 99% animation, it'd be quite time consuming for a relatively experienced animator. Personnel are great, as they have rigs (like skeltons) so you can animate them to do a lot of things, sadly most people good at animation mod games like Battlefield 2.

  4. I recommend finding someone who can model and script, or atleast have an understanding of it, first, then this person will be able to tell you how many people you need for your mod, as you have your 'estimations' (word used loosely) wrong. I'm not trying to be rude, but without first finding this person who has the skills and understanding to lead the mod, you are just writing a thread, deciding a mod name, and posting photos off the internet, and the mod will never materialise, most 6+ year olds can do that these days.

    Topic: Places for mods

  5. Well I followed the basic adding a car tutorial and did it much the same, however, now when I click the vehicle in which the personnel is in, on the buy/request vehicle bar on the left, it crashes the game. If anyone could give a quick explination to the files I need to change, I can check through and make sure I have done them all correctly, and it should help Andrew also, thanks.

  6. Cops - Thankyou, but yes its a bit too american for my mod. Also a tip, there is some rule of thumb to modeling, i forget the exact rule, but its something along, each flat surface (polygon) should only have three or four vertices, to stop this glitching surface you can see in your screenshots, if someone can correct me on the exact rule I think it will help Cops a lot in modeling.

    Private R Clark - Those are the ones matey, yep, finding the time to sort them out, I think I have the coding down for them though, just the modeling/skinning side I need some more time/help for, as I am very busy at work at the moment.

    Officerrule - You lead me to my latest update;

    Some of the stuff in this screenshot has been in the mod for a while now but not shown it, somethings I just added when I had a few hours free yesterday. So Ambulance and SO19 lightbars, Sosi, Police Extinguisher, Wheeled Stretcher, MP5.

    (Need to skin the stretcher into modern UK colours yet)


    A question for the community, where is a good copyright free place to get UK Siren sounds from? Anyone able to help, that would be apprecaited.

  7. There was a mission like that in EM3, but the bus wasn't full.

    In the original Emergency game there was an accident on a motorway with like a coach and several cars crashing, the coach ended up on its side in the forest next to the motorway, passengers everywhere, not wearing their seatbelts i guess. You had to put out the slow down signs on the motorway, otherwise further collisions occured.

  8. Ok managed to get a fair bit of work done on this mod in the last week.

    Coded Fully In Game

    - HM Coastgaurd Helicopter

    - HM Coastgaurd Response 4 x 4

    - Dorset Mercedes Ambulance

    - Dorset Mitsubishi Paramedic 4 x 4

    - Standard UK Fire Engine

    - Ford Focus Police Car

    Personnel In Game (Screenshots coming soon)

    - Coastgaurd/Winchman

    - Paramedic

    - Ambulance Technician (Stretcher crew)

    - Fireman

    - BA Fireman

    - Police Officer

    Planned additions to mod

    - RNLI Inshore Lifeboat (Rib)

    - RNLI Off-shore Lifeboat

    - MCA contracted tug, with watercannon.

    - Fire Brigade Water Bowser

    - Police Van

    - Sea King Rescue Helicopters RAF & RN

  9. Found this on Wikipedia


    If you have been driving more than 130 km/h and cause an accident then no insurance policy will cover you is what I have heard, so the German motorways is not that hazardous as one might imagine :)

    But nice scenario for a game though :)

    Well, still, it only takes one moron to be going too fast to cause the accident. UK maximum speed limit is 70mph, and over 100mph automatic loss of your license. However on the right sections, and weather you can do in excess of 140 mph easily, if it wasn't for the other vehicles and loosing your license! In the rain, reducing the speed limit to 60mph would stop a lot of accidents.

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