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Everything posted by EmC-Unit

  1. "Easter special" UAZ Patriot: By: Boraxmusic Special thx for:312den PS othe versions will be aded in 1.2
  2. Strange copter,this one i saw first time Now we are doing only MDPD
  3. I think not same Em is not shooter game SCopter that can shoot something like a crazy thing
  4. Hitron is mostly using in SWAT operations We'll think about such function
  5. They looks briliant!) Even wheels too =)
  6. Cool!) PS and don't forget to add hour of time to all clocks today;)
  7. Big thx for those people who has writed on our mod site from my name PS i know their IP and i have blocked them + i have cutted guest actions there Enjoy!
  8. Bama glad too see you alive Great work PS can you send me plueprins of Pierce Quantum (you have doned it in NY sub mod before)?
  9. Congratulation francis! Wish you the best=) :cheers-mate:
  10. Don't reround my words Such is idea of animation wicht mades more realism Talking on this theme ended
  11. Reuploaded in normal quality Coast Guard Pack HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM8MfPiFGpU
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM8MfPiFGpU New video about our CG Pack PS New unit inside Reuploaded in HD
  13. All of tthem has been closed* I hope this won't be same
  14. Empty noise againe You are not a first (after origional NY mod) i saw none realased work on them
  15. True But learning C++ is not so easy Btw thx for all good comments PS One more unit is comming...
  16. One thing If you are going to use all this cars as civil , traffic accidents will be with standard This thing bother me
  17. Forget to say Mod is available here in download section :beer: Size is litly bigger (because of Zip format) of archive
  18. Nice But why one of CV has "eciloP" Mirror police? Thats is the main idea of it?
  19. I like this mod on em-forum :cheers-mate: Great work but please translate (/redone) german text on pic
  20. How to create Alpha Refelections: 1.) If you have finished your skin, save it in the Bitmap-Format (*.bmp). Example: myskin.bmp 2.) Copy the first file and name it similar to find it better in theDxTex-Tool. Example: myskin_alpha.bmp 3.) Open the second file (myskin_alpha.bmp). 4.) Colour all parts which should not reflect black. If the parts should reflect only a little bit, colour them dark grey. 5.) Colour all parts which should reflect white. If the parts should reflect not very strong, colour them bright grey. 6.) Save the file. 7.) Now you have to open the DxTex-Tool and to do the further steps: - "File" -> "Open..." - choose "myskin.bmp" - confirm with "OK" - "File" -> "Open Onto Alpha Channel Of This Texture" - choose "myskin_alpha.bmp" - confirm with "OK" - "Format" -> "Generate Mip Maps" - "File" -> "Save As..." - Choose the folder of your skin - Save as "myskin.dds" (DDS-Format) - Done wink 8.) To check if the links of the model-files (*.v3o) are correct, open the file with a text editor. If necessary unpack the file in the Emergency-Editor (Modifications -> Unpack File). Please make sure that the name and the suffix of your skin in the model-file consider with the name of your skin. 9.) Finally you have to activate the Alphareflextions in the Emergency-Editor. PS Translation by Luigi © (for me) i am not owner of this wayting for a beer from you
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