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Everything posted by EmC-Unit

  1. Maybe it will be new or it will be based on one freeplay map edit,depends on RussianRescueR There are some more military units but they need to be finished (military will be here fo shure because her civil protection has important role)
  2. USSR Mod Alpha Released) Try it now

    1. aitor


      just download it ;)

    2. Station27


      Its alright but needs some touch ups.

    3. Station27


      it caused the main menu to mess up on other mods so uninstalled for now

  3. Alpha version of mod is available!(At the moment no new map/designs) Designs and units description will be added in more future versions Download: Narod File-Upload enjoy and comment
  4. Can't get all your text,but right you will need to call unit out from map As far as i know map is finished so don't expect that we will do some FS lol standart music from game,i'll ask den witch one exactly
  5. As far as you hit people who says something "wrong" about LA or NYC;you are no the one person here who do. Well forget that i have deleted this from header last time I know that without you captain obvious;Leave out creating of mod to us - thats not your business Happy about those creators,as you think we don't fight with them "who will do beter" or faster Stop keeping people on by a thread. People stop by and want to be excited, but how can when watching your mods progress is like watching paint dry. I see people's replays here,bad try And I don't want to hear you had to restart boohoo who hasn't Than put your keeybord intoo your hole and don't add/edit replays (like you did edit after your last replay witch bary us) ...you'd do more then drop a line every month or so. As far as we hawe news - we post them,as far as we want;And we don't need to poup up our thread on forum and flood like a kids,every day because something changed PS too many quotes so need to use "code" bb
  6. Sawdbuster thank for warm reply.Well nobody hold the mod,we have many mods on witch we are working .This and real life slow a bit. Pyro if you read topic header(i belive you can't) - it is restarted from full 0,and i wan't to dissapoint dogs like u,we are on the way of releasing alpha soon.
  7. Unuseful collection of sirens better to use sounds search site,it has many times more sirens
  8. EmC-Unit

    LEGO mod

    I gues tha?s not a topic - thats team chat Idea is good,and search_destroy first who tryed to start but work is blurred
  9. You can attach it in Zm or add like a prototape in editor
  10. I am shure it won't work - cars won't ride properly on your moddel roads
  11. EmC-Unit


    Silly a bit but for first steps realy good work
  12. Well new NY mod... huh If you name it NY City mod you sould name sub forum in same way because many people think that this is origional NY mod,and flood like a kids
  13. I know for shure that it is dead i was in a team
  14. EmC-Unit

    San Francisco Mod

    when we'll see some modding action? or this is a pic galery?
  15. EmC-Unit

    San Francisco Mod

    Em4fun is doing this mod so double one is uninteresting
  16. Mod renamed to Ukraine Mod Reload work slowly but started
  17. can anybody hit me wtf is wrong with my computer : http://i010.radikal.ru/1103/23/7bc25c488fbc.png ?

    1. Newfoundking


      Graphics problem. Update your card

    2. MikeyPI


      check your saving settings, you might be saving it as a png that zmod can't read just like the TGA floormaps MUST be a certain config.... might be the culprit as well.

  18. Yes OMON will be pressent (for people who don't know thats USSR SWAT) AK maybe... if we'll animate him normaly New: Firefighters rekins by RussianRescueR
  19. New: Zil 157 AML 30 By Fear
  20. Idea is good but 1 we have no skills to do new html things ingame 2 if we'll do, we won't have CBS's right to use and most moderators will F our brains what stations will be on map?or what?...
  21. cops againe you made wrong mirror text...
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