The modification itself packed in mod installer and than archived into 7zip, 100% installing works. Try using winrar or install windows 7 witch got unpacking function in its own explorer. Than use Mod installer to install the mod!! If you got proplems with 7zip or your computer - search the web for tec help. We don't know whats wrong on your side, add a log file. Or even better search for answer on the forum, there are tons of topics with same questions.
No. Update: Rework on battalion chief unit (Old one witch have been posted - losted) Moddel BorjaXmusic,EmC-Unit Skin BorjaXmusic,EmC-Unit,bama1234 Childs Cops,EmC-Unit,Hennefer95.
I like knew from the start of topic you would take things from my mod, you also don't have my premmision to use parts (you was not even asking). Add at least any sort of copyright or i will ask you to delete those moddels. (Also do not use/post more units from miami mod) P.S.