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EmC-Unit last won the day on March 4

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About EmC-Unit

  • Birthday 11/09/1993

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  1. why does the miami mod take almost a day to download vs the rest of these mods which install in minutes?

    1. Youngscott21


      starts at an hour and slowly gets worse


    2. EmC-Unit


      Your computer is shit

  2. Thanks, but i have one more: Credits: EmC-Unit, Vojtula.
  3. Now that MDPD trasitioned to Sheriff Office, i'll add them as seperate unit. Everything could be changed as i have not found any cake photos* Credits: EmC-Unit, itchyfella, Vojtula.
  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! Have a peaceful sky above your head !
  5. Last siren to be added - Carson double siren with spilt functionality (while you hold Ctrl - it will play different tune). Including latest Tomar lights pack from FInn Rescue. Sounds credit to: aipee315, chrisv4096.
  6. Thanks! But i have more: New mechanical siren - Whelen X-ecutor, also you can see lights done by FInn Rescue Sounds credit to: Henry455
  7. Test video of EQ2B siren. (I am going fix horn later*) Sounds credit to: RAFAELMFERNANDEZ
  8. Nice work! But now in my opinion HQ is out of place, you'd need to reskin it, maybe in more grey tones without color. And the nubers on gates could be replaced wtih emblems of PD-FD-EMS-Tech.
  9. Hey guys, i'm still alive, and working on adding untis ingame and UI on them. Here's some ingame screenshots (WIP):
  10. TLDR make part that you dont want trnsparent, and attach nee body as a child, and id advice not to modify the bridge moddel, your units might stuck.
  11. You could try to modify the stock unit without damaging the animations.
  12. Are you shure there's no signs on the roof? Found some photos while number .. surfing:
  13. So, i was making those new red untis with a purpose, we have a new firestation number 3: Anyway, i could not chose images to cut, call me greedy or a show off but there will be 8 of them, and the page will load like shit: Credits: EmC-Unit.
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