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  1. Hello emergency planet ! Today we are proud to present you the CSP mod which is a French mod we have been working on for a long time now. This mod comes straight from the french community emergency-france but now we feel that we should share it with the international community Our forum : http://modcsp.forumgratuit.org/forum This is version 4.1 which came out on April 20th 2013. This mod is a test version so it still has some bugs, it's normal ! What is new ? _New base _New types of intervention _New vehicles _Map reshaped _New functions _HD lightbars _corrected some bugs SCREENSHOTS Download You can download the mod on MEGA here : LINK REMOVED BY MODERATOR. UNAUTHORIZED MATERIAL IN MOD. We hope you enjoy it ! IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE ENGINEERS CATEGORY It's a known bug, please replace the files in the "specs" folder of the mod by those files : http://s6s.archive-host.com/membres/up/1dedd21149df3495bc97d711955e9972f0d737c1/freeplaybase.xml http://s6s.archive-host.com/membres/up/1dedd21149df3495bc97d711955e9972f0d737c1/freeplaybase_d.xml http://s6s.archive-host.com/membres/up/1dedd21149df3495bc97d711955e9972f0d737c1/freeplaybase_mp.xml http://s6s.archive-host.com/membres/up/1dedd21149df3495bc97d711955e9972f0d737c1/freeplayparameters.xml We apologize for this bug, it will be fixed soon Please report us any bug you encounter !
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