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Everything posted by Monarchs12

  1. So turns out I was unzipping the mod wrong but I fixed it and I played a little before work! Great mod dyson! I love how you took time out of your day to make a separate mod for our computers that are a little "held back" LOL! But anyway so suggestions for the next patch could be smoke hurts firefighters and emts and such like in the ERS mod so they have to wear SCBA's with a limited air time...you could also put fog of war around the incident site so you don't know what you're getting into like in real life until you get on scene. Didn't play long so I don't know if there is false fire alarms so you could add those if they're not in there! Sucks that limited water can't be put in the mod I really like the feature! Just some suggestion! Keep up the good work!
  2. Hey Guys, Love the Mod!!! Quick Question how do i install the mod...when i unzip it everything is in a jumbuled mess...not neatly in folders..can someone help me? Is it suppose to be like that? Do i just create a new folder and just dump everything in there or what? Thanks!
  3. Will this mod have limited water on the engines/ tankers like in the ERS Berlin Mod?
  4. I dont know if this has been mentioned in this mod/forum before are they going to do limited water suppy on the engines (like the ERS Berlin Mod), and you have to fill them back up after each major fire..or well techinaclly you dont have to but if you want water for the next fire you will :-)
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