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Everything posted by Voodoo_Operator

  1. Great, another site that coerces you into giving your consent to grab your personal data and sell it to the highest bidder.
  2. Topic closed - Mod is dead. Mod authors, please contact a moderator if you want to reactivate your mod and this topic.
  3. Wow. Just... wow. Instead of having a competent team of developers make a decent game, they'll point out the flaws in the readme and say "deal with it". That's the definition of garbage right there. But still too dumb to be left dealing with the gun, BA-ZING. Sorry.
  4. *sigh* You could have said it was a crappy fan-made message board and not an official site with an official announcement. I really hope they don't make a Mafia 3. The 2 was by all means disappointing - you can see a lot of elements in the game that had real potential to make it as great at the first version, but which were scrapped along the way to rush the game to store shelves.
  5. It's one of the missions you randomly get from a certain level (can't remember which, probably 2nd or 3rd) in the colombian mountain road.
  7. Here's one. HWP Crown vic from Quebec's provincial police
  8. Sort of. What caused Montecristo's bankruptcy was Cities XL. They made a game that should have been a single player-only experience in the first place, turned it into an unaffordable MMO, and hyped a lot of features during development that were ultimately cut from the final product or promised as subscriber-only paid DLC. What could have been a great game turned out to be a massive disappointment, both online and offline. They put all their eggs in the same basket with that game, and when the MMO subscriptions were way under expectations, they had no other choice but to close down.
  9. Macho Man Randy Savage, we hardly knew ye.

  10. I got it Tuesday and I gotta say, great game so far. Huuuuuge map, and a crapload of (licensed!) cars from the 40s. For those wondering, the standard police cruiser is a late-40s Ford which looks a lot like this one: http://policecarwebsite.net/fc/capdcars/lapd334.jpg But early in the game, you get to drive various unmarked detective cars. So far I've driven a Buick and a Nash. As far as emergency vehicles are concerned, there's also an LAPD Studebaker driven by the crime scene photographer, a paddy wagon, a Chevy coroner's van, two models of ambulances, and an American LaFrance LAFD engine.
  11. Hmmm. So now, instead of being a pathetic a-hole who can't do much but taunt the West while playing the world's longest game of hide-and-seek, he's a martyr to his followers. Cheers on catching him. Good job. Of course I understand how, emotionnally, this may come as a relief and provide closure to many. Just don't expect this whole terrorism thing to be dead with him. Actually there's a chance it's going to get much worse from here on out. If you don't understand what I mean, here's some food for thought, from Modern Warfare 1 and 2, of all things. (Spoilers below, but screw spoiler tags, just skip this if you've been living under a rock and not playing through campaign mode on both these games): Remember that bad guy you shot at the end of MW1, supposedly ending the conflict? Now, remember how, at the beginning of MW2, there's a statue of him in Moscow, and before you know it, you end up shooting civilians in an airport named after him, and Washington gets bombed back to the stone age? Sometimes you get rid of an evil just to get stuck with an even greater evil.
  12. So, are you close to exhausting your impressive collection of wacky animated gifs, or are there a lot more where that came from?
  13. I wanted to say Forza 3 but I don't remember seeing that ride in it. So I'll go for GT5.
  14. 1- Use search function 2- Look for "Toronto" 3- Browse results 3- If there is nothing about a Toronto mod, then there is no Toronto mod.
  15. True dat. I completely forgot about that one. But so far, as I mentioned in my first post, all signs (especially the leaked casting call) point to Los Angeles. That would also be easier for Rockstar as they could recycle photos, documentation, textures and even models from L.A. Noire and Midnight Club Los Angeles.
  16. The thing is, they have to pick a "landmark" city, one that has many recognizable features and that is culturally relevant (i.e. well-known, seen a lot in movies, etc). I think GTA is and has always been a caricature of American society, and as such, I don't think they will ever venture outside of the US. They've already covered New York (Liberty City), Miami (Vice City), Los Angeles (Los Santos), Las Vegas (Las Venturas) and San Francisco (San Fierro), albeit that except for GTA4, all of them were covered with the old-generation engine (You can say what you want about "standard places", you've gotta admit that you'd enjoy seeing them again in their Rage engine rendition, bigger and with a lot more details and things to see). As for new locations, I think the only possible and major "new" location left would be Washington D.C. (lots of landmarks and storyline possibilities, as well as the potential thrill of bringing back secondary and tertiary characters from past episodes, many of whom were linked to the political or intelligence domains). Less likely locations would be Boston (think Irish and New England culture, and possible ties with the McReary family from GTA4) and Dallas (to take a general jab at Texas/southern culture, perhaps with a twist about oil companies). Apart from that, I doubt they'll ever make a GTA taking place in a fictional version of Minneapolis-St.Paul.
  17. Los Santos was only one of the three major cities (plus small towns and countryside/desert areas) in the fictional state of San Andreas. I doubt they will do another "state" like that anytime soon. For now I believe they'll focus on single cities, albeit very detailed and close to their real-life counterparts. The cities in San Andreas were a bit small and unpolished for my taste - they had to sacrifice those to have a huge area where you could fly planes and such. Personally, I'm a bit disappointed that they chose to stick with a modern day setting. I preferred when they took us back to other significant decades in American culture - like they did with Miami in the mid-80s with Vice City or California in the early 90s with San Andreas. What I would have loved? Las Venturas (Vegas) in the late 70s-early 80s, in a city reminescent of Martin Scorcese's movie Casino, where casinos were mob-ruled gambling establishments instead of gaudy corporate-owned resorts like present-day Vegas.
  18. There are some clues appearing here and there: -About a month ago, a casting call was launched by Rockstar Games. The list of characters was a bit eclectic but may be that of the next GTA. The characters' personas indicate that the story would likely take place in modern-day Los Santos a.k.a. Los Angeles. -About a year ago, some people from Rockstar games were apparently seen taking pictures in and around Hollywood - although that could very well have been done for L.A. Noire. -In a recent tweet, a journalist hinted at a "successful financial year" for Rockstar Games in 2012 "with the release of GTA5".
  19. Oh, a canid showing its teeth. How original. /sarcasm.
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