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Everything posted by Voodoo_Operator

  1. Maybe the era of V8-powered police cruisers is slowly coming to an end... Just look at the NYPD... they're introducing Nissan and Ford hybrids, Priuses, Volts... There's a good chance that more and more departments - especially in large metropolitan areas - will switch to fuel-efficient vehicles.
  2. Too bad it's missing the part where he turns into an eagle and soars away. That was the funniest part.
  3. Welcome to last year's news. The last Crown Vic rolled off the assembly line in September 2011. As of now, the Ford Police Interceptor is based on the Taurus, and I'm guessing deliveries ought to be starting any time now. However, it seems many departments have stockpiled Crown Vics, are buying reserve supplies or are considering shifting to other manufacturers, as the Taurus PI does not meet their expectations.
  4. Hmmm... well of course, there's always a chance in any context that someone will voice a debatable opinion, and someone else take offense in something that isn't really offensive in the end. The thing is, when you get in a debate on the Internet, you have to leave your feelings at the door, and agree that someone else may be thinking the complete opposite of what you are thinking. With that said, I don't think this topic has gone sour yet - otherwise I would have closed it. I must have missed the "insults" you mentioned. I just see different perceptions of the US, depending on the origins of the people who are voicing them. In light of what I mentioned above, no, there's no way people are forced to praise or even like the US. That's what a debate is about. Whoever wants a place where there's only praise given to the US and no opinions to the contrary, I kindly suggest Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and the FOX News crowd. True patriots who go to great lengths to promote a positive image of the US abroad.
  5. Amen. Not to mention the thousands of Chinese workers who endure terrible working conditions to crap out all those different iterations of stuff that we basically didn't need or even know about 2 years ago.
  6. Only 2 votes for me two, even if I offered to keep bullets out of people's skulls.
  7. We've turned the page on this matter.
  8. A vote for Voodoo is a vote for keeping bullets out of your skull. Hey, why am I not on the ballot?
  9. Don't worry. As I said yesterday, an asshole is an asshole, no matter where he comes from. Believe it or not, he tried registering again earlier this afternoon, and I think he finally figured out how to used a Web-based proxy (which may be good news - means he got tired of getting new IPs, and now he has no choice but to log in the site through a slow-ass proxy. I figure he'll get tired eventually, especially if I ban him before he can even post like I just did.
  10. The funniest part is that I've banned about 10 IPs for this guy so far, and he keeps coming back.
  11. Don't bother NFK. Hundred bucks says it's our friend douchenugget. Massive IP ban on the way.
  12. Yeah, I laughed my ass off. If you want to hear the most annoying background noise ever, try listening to the crying Koreans video while also listening to a vuvuzela track.
  13. That sounds suspiciously like an ad. I guess that's debatable, but I feel it shouldn't be advertised here - plus, it really sounds like it could be some kind of scam. I won't give you a warning, since I doubt you have any malicious intentions. However, I removed the link in question. Please do not repost it.
  14. I'd take a 90's Caprice over anything else, and I kinda liked the CVPI, but these days, the Charger is the only decent one IMO. The new Ford Interceptor is just a Taurus (SHO?). For me, it's now more an equivalent to the Impala than a true successor to the CVPI. And the Chevy Caprice PPV is in fact the Holden Caprice, designed and built in Australia. I'd say that disqualifies it as an American car. Montreal has an aging fleet of Impalas (including a lot of previous-gen '04 models) and CVPIs that need urgent replacement, and they're apparently going to test Chargers and Tauruses next year. I hope they go for the former - I don't think they've had Mopars since the late 70s, save for a handful of Intrepids in the late 90s that didn't last very long.
  15. Consider it done. IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
  16. Voodoo_Operator

    Portugal 112

    Wow... I spend a weekend AFK, and this turns into a Portuguese-speaking, nazi-invoking, Counterstrike-stick-figure-Youtube-link-posting shitstorm. BOMBEIROSPEED aka Fireangel aka Drthrax aka major pain in the ass, I spent about half an hour last Friday banning your duplicate accounts and what I thought was the whole range of IPs you've been using. I thought you'd just see a big message saying "GTFO" whenever you'd try to reach EMP. I was wrong. Silly dynamic IPs, how I hate you so much... Same goes for you, web-based proxies. Now if I do that all over again, I run the risk of banning legitimate IPs in Portugal along the way. Damn you for that. Just get a clue and stay gone. Or, as they say in Lisbon:Não venha aqui de novo ou eu vou pessoalmente cuspir na sua pizza (ou qualquer outra refeição você ordem) (Note: I made that up. I don't think they actually say that in Lisbon or anywhere else in Portugal, or even Brazil for that matter) To all other Portuguese members of the site: Don't worry. An asshole is an asshole, wherever he comes from. I don't think anyone here would hold that guy's behavior against Portugal. Now, before this evolves into something worse, imma closing the topic.
  17. Voodoo_Operator

    Portugal 112

    FYI, users Fireangel 04 and Drthrax01 (as well as a couple variations on the "drthrax" name) were one and the same user, and were permanently/IP banned for multiple registrations, as well as failure to write in understandable English, triple posting and whatnot. And knowing they were the same guy, I find the following exchange particularly hilarious: I also mentioned triple posting, but I just counted again, and if you take into consideration the drthrax post, Fireangel has beaten the world record for multiple consecutive postings with a staggering 8 posts in a row (also known as the "octoposting offense"). I've got the Guiness Book of Records on the phone, they might send someone over to confirm. Or not. Actually they sound rather annoyed and claim he's not even close as there's a guy in India who made 127 consecutive posts in 2006 (and they don't even have a scientific name for that one). Anyway, this is at least a record for this site. Congratulations Fireangel/Drthrax/random annoying Portuguese dude. You may not see this message as I banned your IP address, but wherever you are, know that you have made history.
  18. EDIT: Users Fireangel 04 and Drthrax01 (as well as 3 other users which were variations on "Drthrax" and resolved to the same IP) were permanently banned - and IP banned - for multiple registrations, as well as being unable to communicate in either one of this forum's official languages, and double/triple/quadruple posting. Obviously, topic closed.
  19. I would like to take this opportunity to answer to your concerns, Mr. Sgt. You may disagree with my methods, but I see you're still one of the more mature ones here, which is something I respect and value these days. By no means shall I ban you unless you cross the proverbial line, and no, unlike what you may believe, disagreeing with me or any other moderator is not grounds for banishment. The funny thing here is that a lot of members of the site praise the moderating team for bringing a humorous touch to what they do, and having a very low tolerance for childish behaviors. And then again, another lot of members despise us, roughly for the same reasons. So I'd then to say the truth is somewhere in between. You mentioned that you don't "have a high status" here, and you're right. After all, you joined a little more than 3 weeks ago. I've been here for longer than I can remember (but then again, my profile says 5 years). Of those 5 years, I've been a moderator for 2 or 3 of them. My point is, I know this place and its history a lot more than you ever will. I'm glad you have moderation experience on other sites, but, well, they're other sites. I have witnessed this place slowly changing for the worse over the years. 5 years ago, it was a busy hangspot for game enthusiasts aged between 15-30, where people would follow common sense rules, and wouldn't become offended like catholic schoolgirls if we slided into more mature language, humor or subject matters every now and then. There were a few kids who would get out of line every now and then, but they could be counted on the fingers of one hand and would be dealt with accordingly. Funny anecdote: If you play the LA mod, you may notice a traffic van marked "FCW". That stands for Forum Child Watch, an initiative we had back then to deal with the more immature ones of the bunch Fast forward 5 years to today, and the tendency has been inverted. My estimate is that most members here are under 15 years of age, and there are very few members of the "old guard" left here. The game itself is dead, and has been for 2-3 years now. So you get people who can't follow the most elementary common sense rules (such as not asking for release dates every 5 seconds, or not having sets of signature pictures that span for the length of 3 pages), even if you keep repeating them over and over. But then, we older members (and moderators) come under scrutiny for every little thing we do. Soon as we let something slide or attempt a bit of more mature humor, we're called for everything you might imagine - abuse, favoritism, being nazis, name it. And that sucks. So now it seems to me like you want to elevate yourself to the rank of leader of those who can't stand getting told to stop harassing for release dates but who also can't stand having a moderator say "damn". And you could be their leader - you share their belief that the moderators of EMP, especially me, are assholes who have become drunk with power, yet you are also articulate and brave enough to call us on it. And, by all means, do as you see fit. But there's something you should know first. I believe I pointed out earlier that as of now, the only site staff on duty whatsoever are NFK and me. As it stands now, this site does not have any active administrators (I suspect the webmaster may be back at some point, but he has not shown any signs of activity in the past 2 months), so it would not even be possible to make any staff-related changes (additions or removals) as we lack the necessary clearance to do so. I don't know what you intend to achieve by "including evidence", "scouring the forums" and "starting a debate thread", but I am telling you this in all honesty, without any intimidating intent: The only higher authorities on this site at the moment are NFK and me. And we do not have the power to appoint any new staff members, nor to make any other changes to the current site staffing. So what happens next? Maybe you decide to join the side of those who think we're doing a great job. And you realize that if you use common sense and relax, this is a great place to hang out - and you get a cheap chuckle out of seeing me theatrically ban someone for being annoying. Or maybe you keep up your attempts to change things around here and/or get us "fired" (this is the Internet, not real life, so we're not going to get foreclosed and go homeless because of that) and rally the disagreeing populace behind you, Occupy Wall Street style. Believe me, at least half of those who follow you won't be as mature as you are. You get your debate going over the moderators' authority, and soon enough, a lot of people just stop listening to us at all. So then, either we REALLY get drunk with power and start banning everyone's ass. Or, like many other moderators before us, we just leave this place. Then you've got a site with no authority whatsoever (remember, we can't appoint new staff and the webmaster's gone - I'd give you the password to my account, but hey, there can only be one Voodoo). Soon enough, this place is filled with spam topics, and goes down every few hours because everyone has a dozen of 7 mb animated gifs in their signature. Not to mention most mod topics having dozens of pages of "When is it coming out". So much for "securing future visitors coming and joining"... So, yeah... Honestly, I could leave this place anytime I want, because my interest for pretty much everything this site covers has faded over the years. I've been contemplating leaving a couple of times lately. The only reason I don't is because I kinda feel like I owe it to this place to keep it alive, for the past good times. Also, because it's a great feeling to ban someone who's being a complete dick - believe me, it's a good way to let off some steam after a shitty day at work. And also because some people understand what we do and how we do it, and congratulate us on it - this always makes my day. Oh and by the way, Those two words are getting pushed around WAY too often lately. I didn't physically or mentally harm anyone here - I just banned a guy for going berserk at a moderator. Just try insulting a police officer on how he does his job, then call him a bully when he arrests you for it - you'll see what I mean.
  20. Let me tell you about a good reason to do things called "Because I can".

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