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Everything posted by eggcarton

  1. Have a look at these links. http://fedsig.com/product-categories/3 http://www.galls.com/staticpage-techsupport http://elightbars.org/f14/ultimate-siren-demo-thread-7943/ htbars.org/f14/ultimate-siren-demo-thread-7943/ http://www.code3pse.com/Code3/Resource_Library/# http://www.whelen.com/_AUTOMOTIVE/media/siren_tones/siren_tones.htm and many other manufacturers websites or youtube videos
  2. http://losangelesmod.com/tutorials/siren_scripts.zip
  3. Thanks. The notifications don't seem to be working so I haven't read it since my last post. I found the the back on a video on Youtube a couple of months ago. (48 seconds)
  4. Quick update of QFRS Area Director/Operations car, as well as RACQ. Did these ones a while ago but never got a chance to post them. ETA for the mod is not looking good, as I will have to wait to finish school before I will be able to make considerable progress. Model by reece.c and eggcarton Skin by eggcarton
  5. Found out the reason why my units wouldn't work in game using hoppahs tutorial, after 2 years of trying I had named the folder wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chrisblaalid


      epic fail I would call it... but still a regular fail that anyone could do... :P but 2 years? damn...

    3. eggcarton


      Its not like scripting/programming where it will give you error - it just won't work and will let you figure out what's wrong

    4. cops


      ow... so you're trying 2 years to make something work and now you find the solution in a gramatic typ fauld?

  6. Thanks for all your comments guys. I was hoping to work on it at full speed at the moment but things have happened and I haven't been able to work on it much at all, but the most of the hard stuff is done, it is just the little things and putting it all together that mainly need to be done. I am hoping to be able to get this mod moving soon. Thanks. eggcarton
  7. Play around with the checkboxes on the prototype dialog box in the editor around. It would be something to do with alpha reflection or maybe ambient
  8. I don't think that this game is going to work very well anymore. Drag the image above into Google images search box and find out why!
  9. When you go to save the file in Paint.net, the Save Configuration dialog box should display the first time. For the dds file change the FileFormat to DXT3 (Explicit Alpha). This should fix your problem (as long as it is not already bleeding) but it will also double the file size.
  10. had a very very very close call - almost lost all my files. Thank goodness for free data recovery software

  11. Grade got kicked out of school for the day because only 11 showed up...otherwise I would have had a few one-on-one classes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eggcarton


      There was a normal school day in the middle of exam block, so most didn't turn up

    3. Reece.c


      mmh.. reminds me of the last day of school >.<

    4. JimmyKid


      Ah. It almost happened tomorrow, until security found out....

  12. An update 850Lima Technical Rescue and release of the website that I made over the weekend. qldmod.dyndns.org EDIT: Also, if anyone uses IE, it will not display correctly unless it is IE9 or later Fixed Please don't DDOS it. I don't want my bed to catch on fire
  13. For starters, turn file extensions on by going Tools > Folder Options > View and uncheck the box 'Hide extensions for known file types' And also, try the print screen button (or PrtScn or whatever) on the keyboard and paste into Paint instead of taking a photo of the screen. Also, that is Adobe Acrobat, not Flash
  14. Only 2 hours left to end here in Australia ...
  15. For the moment this is what I am aiming for in the first release Scania Medium Urban Rescue Pumper Mercedes Medium Urban Rescue Pumper Mercedes Emergency Tender (Kilo) Technical Rescue 850Lima Area Vehicle - Mitsubishi Triton Future ones include Bronto Skylift - India (To what EM4 can handle) Command Unit -Tango Light pumper - Yankee Oscar I am not sure about QAS at the moment
  16. When exporting, make sure you name the file the same as the surface you are you are exporting it as eg. cv_lapd You can rename the file after.
  17. Yeah, like what erfd said. I've done that before and deleted the car one polygon at a time so that I was left with then antenna. That was a few years ago now.
  18. Yes, you should be able to. Also you said "I finally deleted the car...". It shouldn't take that long.
  19. What I am saying is that I can do what it is in that video, but the emergency vehicle will still drive on the right hand side of the road. Those civilian vehicles are stuck to paths, which go in a single direction only, so if you want a 2 lane road the has to be a path for each direction. What the emergency vehicles follow is a street, which is 3 lines - one dark blue line down line the centre of the road and one light blue to each side. The emergency vehicle will drive on the right hand side of the dark blue line only.
  20. I know how to make civilian traffic drive on the left but the emergency vehicles are different.
  21. I had thought about that but not much. I will look into it. EDIT: I don't think you can, after reading this in the editor manual (translated) "Vehicles are always driven on the right side (blue lines) of the street as in case of paths. "
  22. And the 'tricky' part was actually the easiest part. I am surprised that no-one else had tried.
  23. Thanks. I have a few assignments to do at the moment but I get a few weeks before the end of the term and then holidays to work on the mod. eggcarton
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