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About FIREfighterjr

  • Birthday June 13

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  • Interests
    Em4, firefighting, EMT

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  1. The Hartsdale Modification team is trucking along on the modification. The Ems vehicles are not far from completion. Here is a small update on the EMS division.
  2. I'd have to agree, I think your beta ran smoothly and helped work out the kinks...would probably go good along with this modification.
  3. The next generation of LA mod, looks really good. The 2D rims on the ford ambulance are kind of funny looking though.
  4. Mod is on hold for a few days, hold tight for updates!

  5. The modification will be on hold for atleast a few days as a member of the team is working with family. We will keep you guys posted about the mod.
  6. Introducing the Memphis modification, marcoclusius1 and I have decided to start this modification based around our off time...there is no official release date. We will have try and update you guys as often as possible. We are looking for anyone who wants to skin and possibly script. Thanks for taking a peek at our mod! Lighter-Hqueen Skinner-Marcoclusius1 We will be starting on TEC first, so here is Marcos beautiful creation.
  7. Oh ok I got ya, I love the quantum and velocity....I'm sure you can tell I'm a pierce fan lol
  8. That velocity is beautiful....I wish someone would make a good velocity engine. Btw, is their an engine in this mod
  9. You sir are 100% right...at this rate I'll be worm bait by the time this master piece is released.
  10. I am definitely excited....I've been a fan of this mod since day 1, looks impressive Bama
  11. So I went into em4 editer to check out the Abrams because I have been dieing to see what it looks like...and now I don't get events and I'm sad, anyone got a fix?
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