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Everything posted by Maffegozer

  1. Hmmm, Now that you say that! Trying out with 1 value. -EDIT- Tried it out. like this: Resultaat += Reader.GetValue(0).ToString Instead of Resultaat += Reader.GetValue(0).ToString + " " + Reader.GetString(1) + " " + Reader.GetInt32(2).ToString Same problem. won't load. program freezes. Thanks that you've helped me so far.
  2. Ok, So i've been trying things out and a bit of googling. And came with this in my formload: Private Sub telefoon_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Formule: CInt(Int((3 * Rnd()) + 1)) ' This was just a formula that im going to use later on. But I didn't want to forget it so... Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Database=telefoon; Data Source=localhost") Dim query As String = "SELECT id FROM Event" Dim Resultaat As String = "" Dim MyCommando As New SqlCommand(query, conn) Dim Reader As SqlDataReader Try conn.Open() Reader = MyCommando.ExecuteReader While Reader.Read Resultaat += Reader.GetValue(0).ToString + " " + Reader.GetString(1) + " " + Reader.GetInt32(2).ToString End While Reader.Close() Label1.Text = Resultaat Catch x As SqlException MessageBox.Show(x.Message, "Fout", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) Finally conn.Close() End Try End Sub Some information: My database is called: telefoon I've got the label1 on my form. I've got the table id and stuff.. No errors. What happens? Well I press the button which leads to this form. And the form doesn't open, and my program freezes...
  3. EM2012 Will not be moddable for a period of time. They will release something after the EM2012 release, which makes it possible to adjust the game. It won't have all the functions that it has right now.

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      I hear it will only be an RGB adjustor bar for those who would like to play their game with a screwed-up color palette.

      Still rumors, though.

    2. FDNYEMS22
  4. So I need to Dim content As String I guess?
  5. Sorry for the doublepost. I've been trying things with this code but i get alot of errors. Like things saying i haven't declared: Content In total I had like 24 errors. Francis?
  6. Have had some problems putting the code in my program, but I think I can figure it out Thanks!
  7. Yep, I did. Second part: Me failing again Thankyou so much! Gonna try it right now. I'll let you know if it works Regards, Niels. (Maffegozer)
  8. The normal VB. No VB.net If it helps: Visual Studio 2010 Proffessional
  9. Hello, I'm working on a Emergency Dispatch Center Game. But I've come across a problem. In my program you get a messagebox saying that someone called 911/112. You pick up the call and ask him/her what is going on etc. The usual. But in order to let that work. I need to put all the 'strings' of text that will be said into a database. The problem is: I don't know how Databases work in VB. So can somebody help me with this problem? The one that solved the problem will get his name in the readme/credits and maybe can be a beta-tester Regards, Maffegozer.
  10. [quote name='ontarioboy' date='01 September 2010 - 02:19 PM'] One problem. I'm working on a mod right now. The Toronto mod and I'm using sketch-up. Most of the people replying to my topic say it's a very bad idea. [/quote] Talked to you via private msg... [b]The zmodeler 2.0.8 link is temporarily down![/b] It's up again. Forget to tell..
  11. Maffegozer

    Toronto Mod

    I disagree with you all. Sketchup can be used for modelling. I have used it and made nice models with it. Even better models then most people do with Zmodeller. If you guys be so negative all the time then i really understand this: You people are being so negative all the time that all the beginners lose confidence and stop. If you just help them out and give them a chance, that would help... To show you people that sketchup can make nice models, here some models of my own: And yes indeed, these screenshots aren't made from out off sketchup. I made these models in sketchup. But i exported them to .z3d Kind Regards Maffegozer/Niels... Hope you all stop being so negative.
  12. @emergency captain. Upload 'em to imageshack...

  13. :P it really is hard, yknow to get up this early xD
  14. Norway aint in the world cup, so good luck with that Netherlands as "Dutchland" Do check everytime you type that, that you dont say: "Deutschland" lol. You forgot the teams for the third place Germany and Uruguay still got to fight for the 3rd place!
  15. Holland is no province xD... Noord-Holland is a province and Zuid-Holland is a province... Your turn... lol.
  16. It is... Netherlands = Holland Some call it Holland, some don't...
  17. 1978 was the last time Holland came to the finals. WE WILL WIN!
  18. NOOOO Netherlands will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Netherlands - Uruguay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLVJm7QW3dA&feature=player_embedded
  19. problem solved! Lock this topic please.
  20. GOOD Brazil are stupid. They play dirty. They can't win so they kick our 'best' player after he has fallen already...
  21. Hello, I've been working on a program for a few months. But I need the program to choose a random event from a list. And add it to the Listbox. But I can't figure out how to get it to choose a random one... What I've figured out (the easy part): 'Here comes the random event part... Which i cant figure out... Dim Incident as Integer Select Case Incident Case 0 ListBox1.Items.Add("My item 1") Case 1 ListBox1.Items.Add("This is my second item!") But I need about 30-50 events... Can anyone reach me a hand? Regards, Maffegozer. -EDIT- A friend of mine (Dion) told me to use this: Public Function Rand(ByVal Low As Long, _ ByVal High As Long) As Long Rand = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd) + Low End Function Figuring out now how to use the function in my Form_Load
  22. After hard work on the Ford Fiesta. Im thrilled to say that it's finished! Only a skin to do. and ofcourse putting it ingame.
  23. 1,467 downloads

    Hello,Another program which is quite good to use for skinning or any other stuff you want to do...I use it. And it works good...Standard file is the English version...FOr other languages:Download one of the files stated here:Here!Just follow instructions stated on the website...Note: You will need the standard english pack too, since those are only language packs!Standard English comes with a setup...Regards, Maffegozer.
  24. 1,254 downloads

    Hello,Here I've got a program for you people that is quite good to use for skinning...I don't use it but many people do.And I've heared it's good!You could just use it for other things too if you like...Regards, Maffegozer.
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