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Everything posted by Maffegozer

  1. I'm dutch so i dont know american expressions (i know a few:P)
  2. Gerard, do you mean ON: on my signal with the radio all the qs and air horns went off
  3. Maffegozer


    Sorry, but 20 people survived, not that this makes it better, it was still a horrible day that changed not only NY, not only, america, but the whole world.
  4. Wrong! He wants it for the LA mod, not for the normal game! Mods / Los Angeles Mod V1.* / Audio And LANG is only text!
  5. Maffegozer


    I've read about it (i know it since it happened, but i wanted to know more and stuff) and there were only 20 survivors from those who were in the building at the collapse. RIP! Some people say that only the firefighters and cops were heroes that day in the building, but that is not true. The people in the building, that comforted others, and helped eachother as good as they can, they were heroes too! NEVER TO FORGET!
  6. Hello! I'm a beginner in making games. But i downloaded Game Maker 7. Now i can make a simple game easily! I've made 2 games (please dont say they are boring, because im just a beginner, and if you just have to say it, just say how i can improve!) They are not uploadable to a site i know, so you need to download them (no installation nesecaary!) (in both games, you can press F1 ingame and you'll see explenation and such) Catch The Clown: Download Link This is a never ending game (if you reach the 1000 score you are an expert!) Finish Run: Download Link This game restarts at the end! PLEASE COMMENT! Update: 22 NOV 11:36! Working on: -Traffic Controller >>> this game will be lots of more fun than the above two, and will have nicer graphics. (The game is momentarily on HOLD, till I find someone who can do some art work...) >>> please PM me if you are an experienced Photoshop user.
  7. i want to make reskins of the lamod too and do them too NY style too. But my DDS converter is not working. So i cant start:S
  8. i can make the icons if you convert the files for me . I'll edit them with PS CS4 (photoshop CS 4) Are you also editing/creating the script that they return to the FBI/SWAT station?
  9. I also like it:D thats 4 people Hoppah:D Gamer 1368. Dont make anything else on the map YET (scripts you can do) Why? So you can invest your work on the 1.9 map:D
  10. Ughg. I't wont. Does it do that at winterberg? NO! it doesnt and if it does, its just the computer. Because it works fine over here.
  11. Really can't wait for it. I usually change my parameter files and so. But it always goes wrong:( So this will be a thing on my download list. I used to work with Visual Basic too. i had VB8 Its real hard if you cant code,. because 60 % is coding..
  12. I ban you because you used add reply. (BTW, Please help me! )
  13. I ban you because above your post it says: Today 01:04 PM
  14. Bug founded... When you send the engine from fire station 2 back to the fire station. And then when they exit,. another fire comes up. And when you call the engine with the chief. the engine drives without any personell in it. Because the personell are still running towards,,.. where they wait till they called:P
  15. (sorry for the dubble post) I've made ANOTHER banner, specially made for the english people before us. (or non dutch speaking people) It goes straight to the E-Mail notifications page,,. thats because of the: 'Keep Updated" part. You stay updated if you submit everything there. [url=www.netherlands-reality.webs.com][img=http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/511/chacka.gif][/url]
  16. Sorry didn't catch that,. What do you want to know....
  17. Question can be asked in the la mod (freeplay map) topic. I think it will be for all vehicles of the police, and if not you can change this in the editor.
  18. i meant that he would fix it, but i explain *try to* how.
  19. @ FDNYRes1cue, if you want this. then just change the parameters!
  20. Brendon, why not use the original car and leave the Tiller + chase script in. And then test, saves alot of work (unless the prob is in tiller or chase script,,,. 66.6... % chance.)
  21. READ MY POST!! I might have the solution. (if it is the solution, may i test 1.9 :23_31_4: )
  22. Im not an expert, but i do know alot of the editor and so.. (i say it in dutch, then in English, because hoppah is dutch:D) 1) Heb je een PERSOON wel de carthief01 path gegeven (Standard Path, niet ESCAPE path) 2) Heb je die persoon dichtbij de path gezet (maakt niet veel uit, maar dan krijg je de event sneller) 3) Het lijkt mij raar, want volgens mij moet je dan nog een path maken (bv: carthief02) voor de gestolen wagen,,. en dan de wagen, de ESCAPE path geven: carthief02 Probeer is.... daar KAN het aan liggen, zelf denk ik dat het aan 1 of 3 ligt. English: 1) Have you even given the person the carthief01 path. (standard path, not escape path) 2) Have you put the person close to the path ( doesn't matter really) 3) It seems odd, because, i think you have to make a second path (ex: carthief02) for the stolen vehicle,,. and then give the car an escape path: Carthief02 Try it out.... that MAY be the problem, i think its 1 or 3 (or both)
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