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Everything posted by matthew

  1. matthew

    essex mod news

    Will the essex mod be out soon
  2. would this work on computers that the early version of the manhattan crashed on
  3. Perfect timing I just finished my shift great job guys I'm looking forward to playing it
  4. 1.0 I hear on facebook it's ment to be released today it was Posted 1 hour ago
  5. Would it probily be released during this summer
  6. Sorry about the spelling I was in a rush
  7. Would there be Would there be a beta realse Sorry for the double post
  8. Great job so far I love the turn table ladder
  9. Where can I download the beta version
  10. What percent are you at I hope you don't take this as me asking for a realese date or asking to hurry up or anything like that
  11. thx e34p for the pics they look great
  12. I work in Nottinghamshire as a armed response officer and I was thinking will the police cars have rear reds or matrix
  13. I downloaded the FFAA mod but when I load it up the map is missing
  14. I had a great idea the police officers could have a help button
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