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About matthew

  • Birthday 12/07/1986

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  1. How about Community Wardens they deal with parking, dog's and noise complaints
  2. :excl:Only ask for Boston mod here mate *Montana* mod is a different mod
  3. Will the open able boots be added in this update/patch???
  4. That would be a good idea like maybe you could get a call to close the road for the changing of the guard and you would have to secure the road ETC
  5. Are you sure you have a Firefighter and not a CM/WM/SM?? Because Crew manger and other higher ranks only have the Axe command
  6. This is the best Alpha version of a mod I have ever played/seen, I think we should all say a big thank you to Pottyscotty and his team for the amazing work so far!!! Well done!!!
  7. Can wait!... PS: It's that time again when many F5 keys break.
  8. Will all emergency vehicle have open-able boots? (Cars)
  9. I believe it does and boot lights I would love primary rear reds and if possible Rear Blues
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