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About Nic

  • Birthday May 19

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  • Interests
    Football, Video Games, Fire and Police

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  1. I'm back :) 'Bout damn time.

  2. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Update!! Sorry everyone, My computer, holidays, school and just life. Main reason is computer problems. Im still working on it and will be fixed soon.
  3. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Thanks for the support! And i'll see what Hqueen wants to do.
  4. Wow great start. Looking forward to it!
  5. I live in the same county. Lookin forward to it.
  6. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    UPDATE Then I think Hqueen will have impressed you here. Lights By: HQUEEN Skin By: Josema Model by: TimmeyX
  7. Topic has been dead for a year. Its not coming....
  8. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Thank You For All Support! Light Preview: Lights By: HQUEEN Enjoy!
  9. Light Preview up http://youtu.be/_7oZL51DIS0

    1. Ace


      Nice ambulance! I've always wondered what that music name was :U remix of it right

  10. Most servers run off of Logmein Hamachi. BTW you posted this in wrong topic. Next time put it under Emergency 4 multiplayer not Emergency 2014
  11. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Probably. Should be a simple fix.
  12. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    Should be able too. I will be able to see later in the mod.
  13. Nic

    Tall Pines Mod [WIP]

    UPDATE Model: RD_Saarland Skin by: Josema Suggestion Welcome! HQueen has just finished lighting an ambulance! Light Preview should be up soon!
  14. Go to the em4 editor. Click modification->unpack -> click desired model. If that doesn't work than its double locked.
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