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About FDNYivan

  • Birthday 06/17/1991

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    Caserta, Italy
  • Interests
    MotorBikes & Cars Competitions
    My Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R '09

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  1. aaahh ok! now it's clear! anyway great job! excellent idea editing a Mod about Rural/Local Emergency Services
  2. First of all: Really Great Job!!! Second: Maybe i'm wrong but looking at various video on Youtube, I saw that the "Rural" Fire Department uses "Small" Ladder like this in the photo (note the single pair of wheels unlike the ladders of the famous FDNY apparatus) http://www.google.it/imgres?newwindow=1&safe=off&sa=X&tbm=isch&tbnid=-opxvtCzpS7_qM:&imgrefurl=http://flameroad.com/Simon_duplex/Simon_Duplex-75-Aerial-Ladder.html&docid=RpvW6YHMGyILnM&imgurl=http://flameroad.com/pics/Simon-Duplex/2b/34/22016_Simon-Duplex-75-Aerial-Ladder_5.jpg&w=1024&h=768&ei=C2TlUc35J4fwOruRgPAH&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:35,s:0,i:196&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=194&tbnw=245&start=21&ndsp=27&tx=120&ty=92&biw=1280&bih=933 http://www.google.it/imgres?newwindow=1&safe=off&sa=X&tbm=isch&tbnid=Hp6Mq0GckC1ChM:&imgrefurl=http://www.sidney.ca/Municipal_Hall/Departments/Emergency_Services/Fire_Department/Department_Services/Structural.htm&docid=uyjieX3FcCBVtM&imgurl=http://www.sidney.ca/Assets/Fire%252BDepartment/Ladder%252B903.jpg&w=600&h=450&ei=C2TlUc35J4fwOruRgPAH&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:45,s:0,i:226&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=179&tbnw=250&start=21&ndsp=27&tx=106&ty=100&biw=1280&bih=933 it's an idea for the Ladder (your actually looks more like a European) Good work!!!!!!
  3. Anyway you are doing a really good work!!! i think that is a wonderful sub-mod even it is just a reskin. you are editing really detailed models of the NYC emergency services anf the skin of the NYPD vehicles are fantastic! Sorry for my bad english se you soon
  4. I think that There are no words for your great work ...and i'm a big fan of the FDNY! Good luck!
  5. Really Wonderful MOD!!! i really like it!!!!!!!! congratulations to the modder. Finally someone edit a mod with the NY Emergency Services that i think they are one of the most Interesting and Good of the world. PS: the FDNY Staff is very nice
  6. Ciao Antonio, Io sono Italiano e gioco anche io a Em3, perke nn mi dai il tuo kontatto di msn kosi parliamo meglio??' Aspetto risposta /for the mod/ i spoke in Italian so the member can understand me PS: sorry for the bad english
  7. hey guys, i have uninstalled k-lite codec pack from the PC (I had not noticed his presence) and now the game work!!!! but is possible solve this problem? because it is bad that every flies must uninstall the codec to play.....
  8. i double click on the EM4 icon, then screen becomes black then the computer at some point not charge more and.....crash on the desktop
  9. PLEASE can someone help me???? :23_31_4:
  10. Stan, i have used the FIND option on my PC, but i didn't find any codec like Samsung pc video, klite and the other one of your list installed on my PC :1046275873_shakehead:
  11. yes Stan, you are rgiht becouse i don't know how i can check if i have that codecs on my PC.... do you want check in my new logfile if is possible to find the problem? logfile.txt
  12. hei guys!! unfortunately the problem is not resolved!!!! i have downloaded the driver but the problem persist..... so please, can you help me and explain a solution? thanks PS: sorry for my bad english
  13. thank you guys! now i'm installing the Drivers and i hope that this risolve the problem..... see you later :1046275747_biggthumpup:
  14. ok but who can help me to check the error in the Logfile? logfile.txt
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