First of all: Really Great Job!!! Second: Maybe i'm wrong but looking at various video on Youtube, I saw that the "Rural" Fire Department uses "Small" Ladder like this in the photo (note the single pair of wheels unlike the ladders of the famous FDNY apparatus),r:35,s:0,i:196&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=194&tbnw=245&start=21&ndsp=27&tx=120&ty=92&biw=1280&bih=933,r:45,s:0,i:226&iact=rc&page=2&tbnh=179&tbnw=250&start=21&ndsp=27&tx=106&ty=100&biw=1280&bih=933 it's an idea for the Ladder (your actually looks more like a European) Good work!!!!!!