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  1. Hi All, Hoping for assistance with a crash to desktop on startup despite resolution settings being set properly (I think...1280x800 on machine and in EM4.cfg). Logfile and dxdiag attached. Thanks so much! logfile.txt DxDiag.txt
  2. As an aside, has anybody had the incident with the serial killer on top of a building? How is that one resolved?
  3. Thanks gents. Yeah to be more specific, I was hoping for a script modification that would automatically disable the primary lights when the patrol command is clicked. Kind of a nitpicky thing, but one less click would be nice if it's an easy scripting change. Understood about the ambulances/hospital thing -- will just have to deal with that I guess.
  4. hey guys great mod thanks a lot -- two questions/issues 1. When police cars are put on patrol, it leaves their primary lights command enabled (lights go off but command stays on) and when the unit gets dispatched the lights do not come back on, leaving the patrol car awkwardly responding with no lights but sirens...any idea for a fix? 2. Is there anyway to have the ambulances automatically return to station or automatically go on patrol from the hospital? Right now it requires user intervention I think. Thanks a lot!
  5. terrific mod thanks a lot one question: is there any hope of activating the battalion chiefs to actually dispatch the correct units? right now the only units that can be successfully sent by a BC are police (clicking on the fire units simply says there are no such units on the map)
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