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About nycguy555666

  • Birthday 07/23/1994

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  • Location
    Discovery Bay
  • Interests
    Police and Fire

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  1. Jose Ou it would be wonderful to have that model. Can you please send it to me
  2. I would love if you could release this because I haven't been able to work on my model at all. It would be a nice addition to the mod. It would be better then the current van they have now.
  3. Hey that would be great xplorer I'll send you this model asap. Can you PM your email or however you want me to send it.
  4. Well I have some time... But I spent weeks tryin to figure out that stuff and couldn't figure it out. I can model vehicles but that's pretty much it. I have school and I also help out in another game.
  5. Well I wouldn't mind giving someone the models and maybe model the other trucks I was planing..... But I can't put them in game nor script the stuff
  6. Lolz ya I know. I have no idea why I abreviated it like that
  7. Sorry double post damn iPhone
  8. Ya I would love this to take flight also... But I'm not into the modeling and scripting for all this. Yes I was talking about the Los Angeles county sheriff paramedic truck I made.
  9. Hello everyone, I had my name changed and I gave up on the trying to get the stuff in game. If anyone would like this model or would anyone be willing to help me get this in game it be helpful. I also have the models for the LACoSD paramedics truck and that would be a nice model too.
  10. Nice Hoppah I am gonna love to see the USCG boat in more of a realistic size.
  11. Hey Hoppah is there any possiblity of makin the freeplay map the multiplayer map. Jw did yout get the stolen car to work.
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