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  1. yeah my personal life has become mega busy plus me and EMSFAN havnt been in touch for ages as well so i dont know what work he has done other than what i sent him
  2. Not any time soon mate as their is only 2 off us and real life has picked up at work and I haven't touched the mod in like 2 months
  3. post may have to go on hold again due to not having a full team of staff working on this mod
  4. sorry for no update i have been upgrading my internet im now on VIVID 200 so 200mbps baby yeah faster connection and faster upload and download so update to follow soon as i can
  5. Yes the map is from scratch as I'm not a mapper I am doing the basics to it and I think it looks ok for a non mapper and script or the scripting needs tweaking massively as some of the things don't work that should do like adding more units to the game and also sorting out the missing units we don't have IE the units from backdraft E17 and T46 but we don't have a modeller to do this I'm a skinner and advanced lighting and basic mapping that I'm learning
  6. not able to download this form EM4 Planet as there is a server 500 error after clicking download
  7. what is the most current version and also is there a link as well guys
  8. wow Eric i am loving the Truck well done mate i will be busy on sunday doing map updates and editing the map
  9. Hope to talk to you soon!

  10. So if you could please contact me that would be great.

  11. It would let me send a pm to you so i said that.

  12. Hey poole. Long time no see! I would like to ask you if I can use the Truck 81 (single rear axle ladder truck) model and possibly make a few edits to it like a non-working pump to hopefully be working soon. And I would also like your help modeling for my mod, the Pleasure Ridge Park mod hopefully based of the harbor city mod with an 8th station. Check the mod page under modification sub-mods under modĀ development and concepts. It would be an absolutely amazing thing if you would help we with some modeling for my mod.

    Best Regards,

    Connor Brumleve, a long-time friend.

  13. Sorry for lack of updates I'm mega busy with work and Eric isn't feeling very well do soon as I'm free il get on it
  14. Have we got a link with the BTP in it as well as would love to start making a video for this mod
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