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About BBAILEY298

  • Birthday 06/13/1994

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  1. National First Responders Team Officers Chief- Brandon Deputy Chief-Dylan Assistant Chief- Res13cue Inspector- Alex Captain- All Open Lieutenant- All Open This is a brand new clan that we are going public as of today 8/20/2014. We are looking for officers along with active members. We currently have a website that you can visit and sign up at which the website address is http://nfrt.enjin.com/ Our Teamspeak address also is If you would like to join go to our website and sign up under Recruitment and you can also come hang out on the Teamspeak anytime you want. This is going to be an easy going clan that is serious when it comes to gameplay. We currently are using any public EM4 mod but in the near future we will working on a private mod strictly for the clan only.
  2. We are having a bit of an issue with calling in a light force with using the battalion chiefs we wanted to add 3 trucks to come in at once which you can do but for some reason it is not working for us and we need some help if anyone could help us that would be great? Here is how the script is wrote seeing if someone can either spot something wrong or see if we did not add something... Script.txt
  3. ok we found the problems with a couple vehicles but now our division chief vehicles when ever we try to even click on them to bring them on the map they crash the game and the log file says nothing about them being broken or missing anything
  4. Ok i need some help we did an update for our mod and we added limited water supply now it is CTD can someone help?
  5. ok me and my buddys have tried everything on playing multiplayer and its not working we played last night just fine now all the sudden says we have different files and cant play and no one has changed anything need someone help ASAP
  6. he wants your help with the mod
  7. i like them he would like some help to
  8. have you talked to the main guy that is doing the mod?
  9. Boston Mod huh trying to use are mod for a clan how about no!
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