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Everything posted by Hoppah

  1. What did you exactly change? The spawnpoints of the vehicles on the map? Lowering the spawn frequency basically spawns a vehicle every 0.5 second (+/- the offset time).
  2. Aren't these the exact same sirens as the alternate sirens in the Additional Units Submod?
  3. Dude. That's a record. 12 hours?
  4. Nothing would've happened if the cat wasn't that fat.
  5. Has probably nothing to do with Windows 7. I have Windows 7 Professional 64 bit and never had problems.
  6. Already did... in secret. The changes have something to do with the rotation of the spawned vehicles. Without the updated scripts the vehicle spawn backwards in fire station 1 on w00ds second freeplay map.
  7. Yes, because of the Enter Car command script. Here's an edited version in the attachment. I didn't test it, but I think it should work. 1. Do the things explained by randomperson139 2. Download and unzip the package 3. Move entercar.script to the following folder ...\Mods\Los Angeles Mod v2.0\Scripts\Game\Command\ 4. Overwrite the old file 5. Done What did I do to script: Persons with the commands "Get MP5" or "Fire MP5" should be able to enter RTW and ITW type vehicles now (lines 172 and 187). entercar.zip
  8. I am Dutch and I never used an online translator to translate whole texts. I am just doing my best at writing understandable English myself. Don't use online translators if you want to learn a language.
  9. WTF do you think. Her of course. Only hunter42 would ask a picture of you alone.
  10. You do know that I did not allow people to share the mod this way? Is it really that hard to follow a simple rule in the readme of the Los Angeles Mod which says? :(:( **** the people who did that. :mad22:
  11. Too scared to say the word 'bitch'?
  12. [jackbauerstyle] DAMMIT! [/jackbauerstyle] I forgot to remove 4 cars. I've fixed that and reuploaded the patch. When you got that bug just redownload and reinstall the patch and ignore the warning message when you double click the patch file.
  13. Sorry, I don't have much inspiration.
  14. Multiple tasks at the same time in combination with quickness of response. Try to stay calm when a fire, a massive car accident, and a chemical cloud are ruining the game. But this is also what makes the game challenging ofcourse, so it's not that bad. A single car accident while there is nothing else happening gets very very boring after a while. The most difficult task on its own is the chemical fire. You need to close off the area to prevent people from getting contaminated, extinguish the fires, call HAZMAT, decontaminate and treat people. When you're not fast enough, you have a major problem dealing with the infected people.
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