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Everything posted by Hoppah

  1. Why? I will visit the US again sometime.
  2. When I was like 6 I already knew I wanted to visit the US sometime and so I started to save money for it. Just kidding. Visiting the US is expensive but not impossible or something. And I didn't go on a vacation last year.
  3. My cup of care got empty too! \_/ The cup which used to contain the LA Mod... I didn't get ripped off over there, but it was an expensive vacation. Going out in NYC is really expensive, but it was worth every penny! I actually have some money left and I can't use dollars over here.
  4. And in case you installed the new map, don't forget to install the update for this map while installing the update.
  5. I like to play the Total War games too.
  6. So true. Yes and it was great!!!!!!!! I've already made a post about it here. Hops wants to go again.
  7. Anything I want? I want to visit the US again. The weather sucks over here.
  8. Hoppah


    Awwww, Chinese. I love Chinese people, especially in Chinatown downtown NYC. Great food. You ever been there too? Anyway, you have the normal EM4 which require a patch. That patch fixes all your problems. Click here for more information. There are only German and French versions though. Where did u buy the game?
  9. I always used Fraps too but it creates huge files, so make sure you have enough space. I recently found the source raw videofiles of the Los Angeles Mod promo video I made some time ago. Total size of all files together: about 10 GB.
  10. Aww, are they already starting to think you are the new me or something?
  11. It's not really complicated. As you might know you can open these v3o files with WordPad. The lines starting with a D have 12 digits after the D seperated by comma's. To make sure Zmodeler2 couldn't import them (yeah, I was a mean bastard, I know) I only removed the final digit of one or more of these lines starting with a D. To find out which line(s), simple copy all lines starting with D and paste them into an Excel sheet. Use the 'Text to Columns' to seperate the values to columns. Now check the 13th column and make sure every line consists of 13 values (D + 12 digits).
  12. I still think it's better if you release the changed files only, but if you really want to release all files: go ahead, I won't even complain about it. Just remember, not everyone wants to redownload a whole mod again.
  13. That's right. But the new LA MOD freeplaymap had much more custom made areas and probably more layers too. w00d copied most of his map from other maps. Anyway, here you go. The freeplaymaps of the Los Angeles Mod: Original freeplaymap Deluxe freeplaymap New freeplaymap All files are about 60 mb and in jpg format. They all are 8192 by 8192 pixels in size. Unfortunately, I lost the custom ground textures of some of the LA Mod missions. Hop www.losangelesmod.com? Sorry, I'm not into gay love.
  14. The .psd file of the new freeplay map is way over 500 mb. I will release the ground texture of the new freeplay map, the original freeplaymap and deluxe freeplaymap in .jpg format soon. Each file will be about 60 mb.
  15. You are free to make updates yourself. Some submods can be count as updates. There just won't any official updates made by me anymore. u ungrateful bastard. i give u mod. let u customize it. and claim u did sumptin useful. and u want more. always with wanting more Just kidding ofcourse. That's a good idea. I should have the map files somewhere.
  16. I have some very bad and good news. The bad news I am going to stop modding for the time being. The main reason is that I lack the motivation to continue the Los Angeles Mod at this time. I don't know I'm going to stop permanantly. That depends on what Emergency 2012 is going to offer. Anyway, some background information: I started creating the Los Angeles mod for Emergency 3 back in 2005. That mod quickly grew out to one of the most popular mods for this game. As soon Emergency 4 was released I abondoned the Los Angeles mod for Emergency 3 and started to make the same Los Angeles mod for Emergency 4. The very first version of that mod was released on August 26, 2006. The Los Angeles mod for Emergency 4 became even more popular, with a huge fanbase and 100.000s of downloads. I am NOT going to leave the forums. I will remain active here and see what I can do to help people regarding modding and support the moderator-team. The good news Because I honestly don't really care about my creations anywmore, people are allowed to take, change and release whatever they want from the Los Angeles Mod and my other mods. Just make sure you don't just take models made by other people than me. And remember: this doesn't mean you can steal my or other peoples models! When you take something, make sure to check who made it. Get permission from the original authors if necessary. Hereby, you only have my permission to take my models. Consult the last page of the Los Angeles Mod manual for a full list of authors of other models. The only other thing I ask from you need is to mention my nickname when you take something. For example: 'Original model by Hoppah'. Hopefully, this will keep the forums more active and will motivate people to start a new mod. Read the Copright topic for more and detailed information. I want to thank all the people who contributed to the mod and all the fans who loved playing the Los Angeles mod. Hoppah
  17. What war. WW2? The Vietnam war? War on terror? edit: The war in Croatia. Your talking about the Croatian War of Independence?
  18. In case you get that error you have to patch the game too. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/files/category/37-patches/
  19. I am much older than you are and it took me a while to afford this vacation, so there is not much to be jealous about. I am sure you can do similar things when you are 22.
  20. Your new chair is your vacation?
  21. I was in New York City from the 15th till 27 of July and it was great! I've seen and done alot of things and I am definately going to visit the US more often. It was really impressive. Hopefully LA next year.
  22. You already got a health inspection to see if you can actually join a branch of the armed forces? I knew people who got rejected from the army because of the most awkward reasons. You can be all fit and/or muscular, but one simple ailment might ruin it. Just take Voodoo_Operators advise and (try to) join the Portugese armed forces first before you do anything stupid. To me it sounds like you have no idea what you are up to. 'love' is no reason to me, what you need is dedication and knowing exactly what you are actually up to.
  23. Spain played better and they deserved to win. Not just this way, because the only goal wasn't really fair made. Although we (the Netherlands) had a couple chances to make a goal, we could've done much better. Spain played stronger and had better tactical success. Anyway, a second place isn't that bad. I saw the match at a bar. The most hilarious part was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTFsl8WEw1U
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