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Everything posted by Hoppah

  1. Sure, The following part gets all the GTF type vehicle in a vehiclelist, then checks per found vehicle if there are any active hoses, deck guns or suppy lines. Then changes the water level, and -when required- disables (or re-enables) the hose connections or deck gun(s) when the tank is empty. The part below this code in the missionscript is only dedicated to the visual aspect, the information panel.
  2. Please any suggestions or ideas off this would be welcomed between all of us we can make it work, Even with a little lag! Ideas ?? Appreciate the input, but even with classes of units the game still has to check each individual vehicle because each vehicle must have an individual unique water tank. The problem is not how the game shows the update to the player, but how updating the water tanks is done in the background and how the water levels of EACH tank/vehicle are stored and saved. The way of adding and subtraction can be copied from the demo I made which is not really a problem.. I do have a couple of ideas though, which I will look into later.
  3. Well, there's plenty of improvement options left. One them would be your idea. Another one would be an improved 'rapid deployment' command, so a 5th fire fighter automatically installs a water supply line (hydrant to engine). That one would be great for American mods, because most American fire engine's do not have a water tank at all (right? ), so you will HAVE TO to install a water supply line before you can use any hoses or the deck gun to maintain this level of realism. A third idea would be gated wye compatibility. We'll see what I can achieve in the future to further improve this demo mod. At least the base is there, but I first want to focus on the US Army Mody again.
  4. I kinda have to agree with Hereweard Fyning here. While I'm sure the mod runs better for Intel players because of the map, but that doesn't mean ALL performance issues were or still are caused by the map alone. I do believe that the main performance issues are also caused by the model and textures sizes (vehicles and buildings mostly), as well as the insane amount of lights used on vehicles. Therefore, the advice that I gave a couple of months ago still stands: spend more time on downsizing models and textures (instead of adding new stuff that'll only make the mod even more unstable) and the mod should run much better. The highly detailed models are the direct reason why it takes so long to load the mod (not the map, just the mod itself) compared to other mods. Upon loading a mod, the game precaches ALL playable units (see logfile) which means it loads all the prototype files and the corresponding models and textures. Same thing why it takes so long to load the map, because the game loads ALL objects that are present on the map and precaches the prototypes, models and textures too. Simply check out the logfile if you don't believe me. Conclusion: most, if not all performance related issues and crashes could've been resolved if v3.0 was released a week later. Emergency 4 does not run on an engine that is set up for highly detailed models and big textures and Manhatty Mody is the best example which proofs that. It's up to the team what to do with my advice and if you're willing to make concessions to people with lower end computers. I think the SD version shouldn't be necessary at all and it kinda feels like I do not get the whole package if my pc would only run this SD version. A mod that runs smooth for most players will definately be more appealing, more popular and would create a whole lot more goodwill. Hoppah
  5. Topic closed. One or two topics are enough.
  6. Absolutely not. The first post already mentioned that the entire logic is specifically set up for 2 fire engine's (as shown in the demo) in a missionscript. Unless you have plenty of scripting experience, it's nearly impossible to implement this into another mod. The logic is not compatible with freeplay either, while the majority of the mods are built for the freeplay modes. The reason why I released this demo is to show people the functionality and give others an opportunity to play with the code. I do believe there is a workaround to get this logic to work in freeplay too (without the interface elements obviously) and people are free to give it a shot. The biggest concern to get this code to work in freeplay would be the way the tank volumes for each vehicle are kept and saved ánd how often the volumes are monitored realtime to check if hoses or deck guns are active so the volumes can be changed almost realtime (there's IMO a risk of lag when 20 fire trucks are being monitored twice a second in the background). In the missionscript that comes with this demo, the watertank volumes are stored as simple integers (like: "int MAX_WATER_ENGINE01 = 2000;" for the tank volume of one of the engine's). As soon hoses or the deck gun are being used, the missionscript simply changes the integer almost realtime by subtracting/adding the calculated water out-/intake. For freeplay, you're unfortunately stuck to commandscripts and it would be more complex to get the same logic to work. It's definately not possible to add interface elements to freeplay, since only missionscripts can load the xml dialogs. A workaround for that would be using commandicons to inform players what the relative tank volume is (like 10, 20, 30 percent etc..), but like I said, that's not the biggest concern. Hopefully, a workaround will be found. Hoppah
  7. No, this script is not compatible with gated wye's yet, but I'm sure it's possible to get that to work. Glad someone likes the demo.
  8. I tried to install the mod on my phone, but it doesn't work. Specs: Chipset: Exynos 4412 Quad CPU: Quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A9 GPU: Mali-400MP
  9. Dear forumbuddy's, As some of you may have read in the US Army Mod topic, I have made a script that limits water supply for fire engine's. A functionality that's been widely requested on the forums here to make the game more realistic. Due to the popularity of this functionality, I decided to make a demo using the logic from the US Army Mod and two FDNY Engine's taken from the New York City Mod made by Mikey_PI and associates. The first screenshot shows the functionality in the demo mission. The second screenshot shows the functionality in a freeplay mode. Can I use this logic in my mod? Yes, the entire idea of this demo is to distribute it, so you may copy the entire script and interface objects to your mod and release it for public. I'd appreciate if you'd credit me (Hoppah) for the logic though. Consult the attached file 'Limited Water Supply Logic - Mod Implementation Guide.pdf' for further instructions or take some time to read the topic for further details regarding implementation. Bugs - The fire fighter who spawns outside to control the pump of a fire engine may not be recognized by the vehicle sometimes, resulting in connected firehoses not working. To fix this, simply select the fire fighter and click on the fire engine to activate the pump again. - In a rare occasion, the water tanker may not be recognized by the script, resulting in a water tanker with fire engine traits (1000 gallon tank for example) and not being able to supply other vehicles. Especially after playing freeplay directly after the demo mission may cause this problem. Credits Mikey_PI: FNDY Fire Engine models and FDNY Fire Fighter textures Freakinmusket: Water Tanker model Hoppah: All Interface changes and limited water supply logic/scripts Note: I am aware other mod-creators have made a similar logic before. No interface elements nor script codes in this modification were taken from other modifications. The entire logic is made by myself, so I could alter it to my own wishes and make a public release without any problematic copyright claims. Feedback would be appreciated! Limited_Water_Supply_Test_Mod-v1-2-by_Hoppah.rar Limited Water Supply Logic - Mod Implementation Guide v1.2.pdf Hoppah
  10. I may release some kind of test mod for the interested people. However, it's not like you can just copy and paste the code in any other mod. The script is designed for specific vehicles in the US Army Mod (1 TFFT, 2 local fire trucks) and is integrated in the missionscript. Unless you have experience in scripting it would be damn hard to use this in other mods.
  11. Well I like the idea, but fighting fires isn't really a big part of this mod, so I'll leave it like this for now. I added this because I wanted to try this functionality out myself and it seems to work fine. It does make my mod even more unique and more challenging in case you do gotta fight a fire. Once I'm sure the limited water supply works flawlessly, I may take a look at other stuff which take use of this functionality or the base of it too. Another idea would be limited oxygen tanks for the fire fighters with SCBA gear or even limited fuel tanks for ALL playable vehicles.
  12. Added limited water supply functionality to the US Army Mod. =>

  13. Okey, before I'm going to post new information about vehicles first something else. I've succesfully added a limited water supply function to the mod, which means the local fire truck and the TFFT have a functional water tank which can run empty so you will not be able to put out fires with them anymore. Screenshot: As you can see, there is an information panel which shows the current tank volume of the TFFT in gallons. When using the hose connections and/or the water cannons the watertank of the TFFT will empty in a few minutes. Using more hoses or even a combination of hoses ánd the water cannon will empty the tank much faster ofcourse. However, you can connect a hydrant to the trucks which will serve as water supply to fill the water tank again. It works pretty smooth so far, but I still need to test it more extensively. Information about new vehicles will follow soon! Hoppah
  14. Where did your d*mned TeamSpeak server go? #pout
  15. Soon. I am working on new vehicles for the modification at the moment. Once they're finished I'll post more information and screenshots.
  16. Dutch: Omdat dat een oude foto is. Politieregio 'Zuid-Holland-Zuid' bestaat namelijk niet meer. De provincie heeft trouwens nooit op voertuigen gestaan, wel de politieregio. Sinds 2012/2013 is er de nationale politie en zijn de 25 regiokorpsen opgegaan in één landelijke eenheid waaronder weer tien regionale eenheden vallen. Daarmee is de aanduiding op de voertuigen dus ook veranderd en staat er blijkbaar alleen nog maar 'politie' op de motorkap (zie hier voor een voorbeeld). De oude politieregio 'Zuid-Holland-Zuid' valt nu onder de regionale eenheid 'Rotterdam-Rijnmond'. English: Nice car
  17. No, there is not a list with specifics I think. Just check out the original EM4 vehicles (in the editor) to find out what each vehicle is and which superchilds are required for the type. If you don't know what each vehicletype does, you should play the original EM4 for a while. It's fairly easy.
  18. No, it's just going to be another update, like v0.6 or something.
  19. Just posted some new information about the next version of the US Army Mod! Check out the General Information Topic now. =>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fred03


      Of course you went to LA...

    3. Hoppah


      Yes, I've visited LA for the first time

    4. Handsup!


      Wow really? Would of thought you've been there

  20. A new update with some cool information. First of all, there will be at least one new event in the next update. The new event is a mortar attack on the base and you will have to act quick to stop them. The rounds can hurt your soldiers and vehicles, but they aren't very accurate. Seconds before an impact, smoke will appear to warn you. Second, new vehicles! The Blackhawk will now come with a command to upgrade it (for some $$$ ofcourse) to a Medivac. The Medivac can carry 2 patients and is also able to extract injured persons while airborne (like the engi helo in the orginal game). That brings the total amount of patients it can carry at once to 3. Pretty cool, isn't it? I've also added a second helopad to base on the map and helicopters will automatically empty its transports (detainees or injured persons) when they have returned to the base. I've also added a new ground vehicle, the M1126 Stryker*! Just like the Blackhawk this vehicle comes with an upgrade command, so you can upgrade it to a M1133 Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MEV). The normal Stryker has about the same traits as the transportation truck, it's just armoured. The cannon on top of it will not be usable in the mod (yet). The Stryker MEV can transport up to 4 injured persons and is basically a bigger armoured ambulance. The MEV comes with equipment to set up a medical aid post. Medics are able to set the post up. The aid post will heal all nearby hurt soldiers (see pic below). The more medics you put inside the post, the faster it will heal the soldiers. That's it for today. I hope everyone likes the new additions. * Credits: original Stryker model is from the Battlefield-series and modified for this game
  21. Yes, it's a fairly easy script change, you just need to change every script that involves vehiclemovement. Check the US Army mod to find out how I did it.
  22. If the vehicletype is TLF or LPF it must have a water cannon. Just like the DLK (Ladder vehicle) and GTF (hose conn vehicle) it has superchilds which must be added to the prototype. It's one of the hardcoded limits of the game. Without the childs -> crash. If you don't want a water cannon on your vehicle make sure the vehicletype is one that doesn't need a watercannon such as the RW.
  23. This has nothing to do with scripts, the material is a trait which can be set in the editor.
  24. I'm pretty sure you can also order commands by using the SetGroupID(?); code, but I never really bothered with it personnaly.
  25. To disable the command at specific moments you will have to play with either the "bool CheckPossible" part (which greys out the command if returned false) or the "bool CheckTarget" (which can be used as an additional check) or even both.
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