Finally you can feel a real operator and emergency coordinator in the Emergency 4! It's here BARCELONA MOD , a modification of the PC game Emergency 4. With this mod, you will manage and coordinate emergency calls mobile resources and human resources as part of the agencies involved in emergencies in Barcelona ... Bombers de Barcelona, Mossos d'Esquadra, Guardia Urbana de Barcelona, SEM)))), etc.. It's also in the process of creating a new map based on the city that will allow us to feel, even more so, as emergency coordinator in charge of a city like Barcelona. Traffic accidents, earthquakes, explosions of gas, and even a leak of radioactive Ascó and Vandellós can reach Barcelona ... Your mission will be no human or material damage ... What are you waiting? The phone is ringing! Forward ... Your first emergency call at the forefront of post emergency coordinator Barcelona awaits ....