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Everything posted by JrFF34

  1. Go into the editor and edit the ladder truck and take off "Alphareflections"
  2. Such a sad story. RIP Officer Collier
  3. Looks great ! Cant wait to see more progress.
  4. Sounds great. This mod is getting very realistic, I cant wait for V3! Keep up the great work.
  5. My area has hydrants, but my company has a tanker. Why? There are spots where you can't access a hydrant with out laying endless feet of 5inch. Also, sometimes hydrants might not be functional. It's possible that they lose pressure or even freeze up. But most of all, brush fires and structure fires (mutual aid big time). Its to understand why some fire companies have certain trucks, it just takes a little time being around that fire dept and seeing how they like to work. Every town and city is different.
  6. a deuce and a half would be amazing. i have always wanted one to use as a brush truck and also in the one flood mission. Alot of fire companies near me have deuce and a halfs mainly for brush fires and floods (worked great during hurricane sandy).
  7. As for your photos taking for ever to load, Id recommend uploading them to imageshack or photobucket and then using the photo embed option when posting here. Anyway, that battalion chief car looks nice! The engine needs a little work but hey, I like it! Keep up the good work!
  8. Thanks for the feed back guys! I know everyone was getting anxious and wanted to see some new mods so I decided I'd put my skills to work. If anyone has suggestions or would like to see something in this mod, just let me know!
  9. I am happy to present to the community, a new work in progress mod. I have spent the past hours drafting up ideas for a new mod, and here it is. Featuring: Philadelphia Police, Fire & EMS Pennsylvania State Police Credits: Nnico goog1967 CFD (More to be added) PROGRESS: 5%
  10. why not do 21, 54 and 34? Be nice to have a variety for those who like to mix it up and have different trucks running.
  11. JrFF34

    [WIP] San Diego

    Hmmm.. I like the fire trucks you have so far. They look amazing. Went through google and thought it would be nice to mabe have an older engine in the mod also.
  12. go into your specs folder, and edit "fp_params_endless"... youll see a call title and then number, just edit the number depending on the amount of calls you want. ex: <EFPEventFoodPoisoning> <Enabled value = "0" / change the enabled value to a higher or lower number.
  13. Chill out dude. Theres no need to start bickering here. Everyone needs to be mature because if you all are gonna fight over stupid stuff you wont get any good mods.
  14. I am able to skin as long as you have 'templates' of the car I can definately help out.
  15. Wow, Ive never seen those towers before. I personally like the newer mid mount towers. I also love the new KME trucks BFD has been getting.
  16. Have you tried to close out all background programs? But from what I'm thinking, if your computer just clearly shuts off, its more of a technical issue and its not the game. How old is your laptop?
  17. I remember when this submod first came about, I never really followed it but.. Wow... Those trucks looking amazing. Especially Foam 10 and open cab engine in a few pictures. Hope to see some more progress in the near future!
  18. I think it would be nice to have the ladder truck with out the bucket, seeing as Boston only has buckets on their midmount ladders. Just a thought.
  19. Is that a ford taurus with a federal signal valor lightbar I see?! I like!!
  20. This looks amazing. You did a fantastic job on all the fire and EMS units, they look top of the line! Hope to see a release in the future!
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