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Everything posted by randomperson139

  1. well don't be impatient. Just wait for it to be finished
  2. There are two different ambulances. try using the other one
  3. 2 Things: 1. Don't double post 2. You need patch 3 for the modinstaller to work
  4. I ban you because i am wrong now and i don't have any proof
  5. I ban you for pointing out that i could have been wrong (I know had proof though)
  6. I ban you because you said you love yourself
  7. Those vehicles will look really good in your mod. Looking forward to it
  8. I had that problem ... but i can't remember what caused the problem
  9. I ban you because your avatar is strange
  10. Just load emergency 3 and don't click on modifications and la mod
  11. I ban you because you didn't ninja me
  12. I ban you for understanding the reasoning behind newfounking's ban
  13. I can test your mod. Please pick me as well :23_31_4:
  14. i think he's just announcing that he found pictures of a newer engine......i don't quite know why though
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