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Everything posted by randomperson139

  1. What's the difference between the LEV and the new HES
  2. I don't think it's the lights because i had that problem without the lights submod.
  3. Have you tried updating the graphics card drivers?
  4. Oh OK. Does that mean there won't be sniper rifles either?
  5. fortunately dool isn't actually a word
  6. Use a .dds plugin so you don't have to convert the file to .jpg. Then just edit the .dds file
  7. I have had that problem as well. What program do you use to skin?
  8. Have you read the tutorials telling you how to do that?
  9. You don't need a patch for emergency 4.
  10. Convert it back to .dds and put it back in the folder it was in originally
  11. Fortunately the doll was made of foam and bounced off the person's face
  12. I can't find that folder and then how do you get the mod to work?
  13. Don't double post. I might be able to help skin. It's an allowed double post, look at the dates. PyroThijs
  14. Will you be able to get different weapons for the SWAT Units from the transit?
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