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Everything posted by randomperson139

  1. Or you can use Paint.NET which is free.
  2. The Adobe website. You have to pay for it though.
  3. How's the updated Newark mod banner going?
  4. Sounds good. Could you include the FBI Charger as well please?
  5. No there is nothing you can do to add the deluxe events to 991FR. Then there would be no point of a deluxe
  6. I aked for the logfile @firefighter3165: Can you please post a logfile.
  7. If you are using this with V1.9 then you have to add the chase command in the editor
  8. Plain clothes officer or undercover officer. Used for surveillance? Could be used in the game in the unmarked patrol cars.
  9. It is normal for the game to freeze when loading a mod. Wait about 5-10 minutes before you deide that it is frozen. It could just be loading the mod.
  10. Logfile and Dxdiag please. Have you changed any of the game setiings?
  11. These are reskins of Hoppah's units.... so it won't be released.
  12. I think he means he wants to add a lot of submods and the files that need to be edited overwrite each other.
  13. Police tape is possible because the winterberg mod has it. I don't think Hoppah would do it at the moment though.
  14. Not being able to script is a pretty big barrier
  15. You have to change the freeplay files. There's a tutorial in the modding and mod help section
  16. In the last bit of the logfile it says there is some stuff missing. That could be your problem.
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