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Everything posted by randomperson139

  1. Talk of multiplayer isn't related to this topic, have a look in the multiplayer section for clans and multiplayer games.
  2. 1 because no.2 is a command unit so doesn't necessarily attend calls and would serve very little purpose in game, unless you have some commands planned for it. No. 1 has all the equipment, so would make more sense to be done first. Incidentally, I've only ever a command vehicle like that twice. One was in its own parking bay at another station, and the other was literally being used as a tea truck outside one of our local hospitals. Or you could add KSS HEMS... The mod hasn't been released yet, so no.
  3. There's no need to be creating multiple topics about the same issue, and it is in fact against the rules. ToS section 10: Please avoid doing so in future, or you run the risk of receiving appropriate sanctions. I'm locking this topic, use the other one you created. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/20267-removing-all-police-missions-in-freeplay/#entry296299
  4. That sounds like you're playing the London mod after playing the LA mod. You can't switch mods mid-game, you have to reload the game and load the mod before playing anything if you want to play a different mod.
  5. An image(s) would be helpful of the "deployment" issue. You should be able to add images to your posts now. The white box, if it's what I think you're describing, is quite a common problem with intel graphics cards and there is no solution for it. I don't quite understand the second problem with the lack of units deploying. Could you maybe give us some more detail. Does the normal game work OK?
  6. Yeah, sounds more like it's an issue with your game. Maybe try resintalling if saving games is important to you?
  7. It's odd that you can't save it in Northview, I saved my game in that mod earlier today and I haven't edited any of those files. Have you tried the quicksave function (pressing F5) to see if that works?
  8. I don't really think it makes much difference whether or not people have access to scanners. I believe emergency service comms in the UK are encrypted, so can't be listened to by external scanners and we still get huge crowds of bystanders watching us.
  9. I've merged your last 3 posts. In future, use the edit button especially when less than 24 hours has passed and your post is the last one in the topic. Failing to do so in future may result in both posts being deleted and warnings issued.
  10. Yes, that's the editor you're referring to. The link that Chris07 posted is to a post explaining how you can access this.
  11. I'd certainly like to see this kind of thing too! I currently have a range of personnel with various roles in my personal mod. It wouldn't be too difficult to implement for purely aesthetic purposes, just use a change clothes script to allow personnel to switch, and then potentially different options for different level staff. For an Ambulance example, I have TLs and DSOs able to get an Incident Commander tabard that normal Paramedics can't get, and a BASICS Doc able to get a Medical Advisor tabard to name a couple. You could even have the prototypes with various command vests having some call commands so they serve an actual purpose in game. I'd take a look at the Welfordshire mod, if you want an example.
  12. We have had this issue reported in the past, so are aware of it. To my knowledge, there was no definitive solution. The redirection is just to the notifications page, so that could be normal too.
  13. It is. You have to run the installer, and then run the mod using the shortcut and startup program that gets installed.
  14. You're not sorry for the double post. If you were, you wouldn't have done it in the first place. We do give some leeway for mod creators, but in this case the edit button could've been used. Posts merged this time, next time it may cost you. In regards to credits, you've credited Lisa Rose for something. What? And who made the model, they should be credited too.
  15. You could have found the answer to your question if you'd just had a look further up the page. Something for everyone to remember, look through the topic before asking questions that are likely to have been asked before. Oh, and yes, English is the forum language. Please avoid posting solely in German. I'm not saying you can't, but if you do please include a translation with your post so the users who can't speak German understand it too.
  16. This. I like to use the rear reds for aesthetics. I suppose the other alternative could be to have rear reds and redirect as separate commands, so the reds can be on with traffic still going past, but still have the redirect command there as an extra for the people that want that option.
  17. When you click Save All Information, a file called DxDiag.txt should be created. Could you upload the file itself so we can see the full system details, as what you've posted is only the first section and there's too much info to put in a post.
  18. If you're planning to release, don't forget permissions and credits. In fact, it's probably best to post the names of the original authors with screenshots of the individual units.
  19. As Handsup! has said, please watch your attitude on here. You could've suggested backing up files without sounding rude about it. I don't think the language barrier is the problem in this instance, my opinion is that the post is exactly how you intended it to sound. I would suggest being very careful with your posts, you've already been on holiday once. You don't want to be earning yourself more time away, you might find it becomes permanent... @Lisa Rose. I would suggest starting again and adding the new vehicles one at a time. The other thing I would suggest is not replacing the original vehicles yet, but instead use them as a base to ensure the new vehicles are added correctly. Also, posting your logfile could be useful in trying to find the problem.
  20. Go into the editor and change the placement to custom for all the new vehicles. See if that fixes the issue.
  21. Have you looked in the Downloads section of the forum? Something else to note, posting in dead topics is usually frowned upon. Even more so when your post isn't even that relevant to the topic itself.
  22. Welcome to the forum! That map was made by w00d, both of his maps were released by Hoppah and that topic can be found here.
  23. This is one of your posts from a couple of months ago... Your turn to be told not to double post, next time you'll be warned.
  24. Yep, supposed to make things more efficient by working with the police directly.
  25. Can't answer for what's in the mod, but the JRU do use XC70s. There wouldn't be much benefit adding a specified JRU vehicle other than for those wanting complete realism. The JRU is a normal FRU, just working alongside the Police directly.
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