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About 105299

  • Birthday 07/30/1991

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    Van Wert Ohio

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  1. I can not get the download to work.  I have tried about 10 different times please help.  I would really like to play this mod it looks very well done from what I can see

    1. FInn Rescue 12

      FInn Rescue 12

      Check with the forums help page.  You could have a computer issue, so far 200 down loads no problems. 

    2. FInn Rescue 12

      FInn Rescue 12


    3. FInn Rescue 12

      FInn Rescue 12




  2. The Tower Ladders Will not set up I try to but outriggers go in and out and then I can not use the truck any more
  3. that is my birthday great present for me
  4. I installed the mod recently and I keep getting an open GL error I only get it with this mod any ideas I can play other mods just fine
  5. my computer crashed can not remember how to update the coronas for this mod can someone please help me
  6. This is awesome I have been waiting. I have been playing the Mod on an Intel 15 and intel graphics card and I have no problems with lag or anything. I have been playing the mod for 4 straight hours and no crashes. Your team is awesome. I love this mod beta release. I have no words to explain how happy I am. Great job to you and your team
  7. Has this been released now ore something bedacuse there is another mod that is called the Boston Mod that was just released, I am just wondering because the other release came out of now where.
  8. I got this version but it will not convert from RAR
  9. poor Bama he is being so stressed right now with everyone. People just need to calm down and chill
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