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  1. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/Park-Avenue-116th-Street-Fire-Collapse-Explosion-249730131.html here's a link
  2. Looks very cool,but it dosent seem moddable.
  3. Ive played the game for about an hour and i'd like to give a report. The texture's look great! Except on the ford crown vic boston cruiser. Its fun and loaded in a instant. The new units look very good. Unfortunately it crashed after a hugh forest fire, but over all great! Cant wait to see what you release at 1.2
  4. I could play 3.0 SD but 3.2 causes my laptop to crash. Any advice?
  5. Okay ill add you, message me if you wana play.
  6. Ya sure ill play,you got steam?
  7. Standard edition works fine, Just the patroling vehicles get stuck on certain points in the map.
  8. Aww okay, Thanks it looks great. Looking foward to playing it.
  9. How am i suppose to install the mod? Do i just copy the files over manhattan mod v2?
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