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Everything posted by Ace

  1. You live in Langford? If so we're close
  2. I'm not sure what you mean but if you click on units while holding ctrl you can select multiple at once.
  3. Public works ford explorer? that's a new concept
  4. So basically your vehicles aren't moving? What mod is this
  5. Ace

    Harbor City 5

    Unmarked Taurus' are my thing.
  6. Tested and happened to me too. Worked fine before the update.
  7. Can the whole game not run because some mods aren't compatible with Intel.
  8. It crashes when I use PTT on teamspeak while loading a mod too. I think it's normal since I've heard other people with the same issue.
  9. Like the middle part of lightbar doesn't flash. Referring to the ambulance video on the facebook page
  10. Is it just me or is only half the lightbars being used? Maybe I'm just used to the North American lights where we light our vehicles right up.
  11. I've been waiting for V2 forever can't wait to play it Update:
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