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  1. michnitro

    Madrid Mod

    Many thanks for all the comments we are doing all possible to make a mod reallystic with reals units of Madrid. All this comments give me power to continue untill the end and i would like tell there is a very good group working in diferents phases thanks to all.
  2. Hi NNICO i`m the creator of Madrid mod for emergency 4 a new mod of the capital city of Spain and i would like to know if is available to download the new pack Mercedes Benz W906 Kollektion specifically the sprinter large, low roof. I would like to introduce in the mod it`s perfect for model of National Police of Spain like a Riot Police Unit i hope your answer. All your models are absolutely perfect. Tanks a lot
  3. Country : Spain City : Madrid Time : Today world Why : Great emergency teams
  4. ok thank you i will try it when i called other GW-M again just came other vehicle with two fireman is that vehicle you tell or i have to wait other come
  5. sombebody can tell my where can i download the mod please the links dont work that mod is great
  6. Hello i have the last version of winterberg mod and when there is people contaminated i dont know what i have to do i call GW-Messtechnik vehicle but i cant descontaminate people sombedy can help me thank you. Sorry by my english i´m from spain
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