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    Norwegian Red Cross

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  1. Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button , clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options. Click the View tab. Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then click OK.
  2. Overwrite the files in your gamefolder. Theres a Readme in the file, telling which folders goes where.
  3. You tried using the Heavy Tow Truck? (Think that's what it's called ingame, i'm at work atm). Big blue mobile crane, under the engineers tab.
  4. On that mission I didn't deal with any of that, considering the rate of the fire spreading. By quickly deploying all firefighter assets I managed to get the fire under control, without having any civilians wounded.
  5. I have the Deluxe version through Steam too, and all gamemodes work fine here. Try to reinstall.
  6. Do you have the latest GPU drivers for your card? I had the same issue on my Nvidia GTX 690, but turned out I hadn't updated the drivers for the last 6 months.
  7. Re-installing the mod files worked fine for me.
  8. Just "re-install" the mod files. Worked fine for me.
  9. If they plan to release enterable buildings in a future patch, that would explain how buildings dissapear when you zoom in close on them. One can only hope!
  10. It's the German way to do it I believe (or was it Dutch?)In Norway the doctors only respond to serious injuries and conditions like strokes and heart attacks. The two paramedics riding the ambulance are capeable of handling everything else. So preferably I would like to see that the EM5 paramedics could drop the stretcher and treat the patient, then take him to a hospital as seen in some EM4 mods.
  11. I didn't change anything for the mod to work... I only disabled the automation, to make sure the paramedics didn't leave the doctor behind. But the mod worked just fine with in enabled too. Have no idea why it's not working for you, seems to be working fine for everyone else. You haven't changed anything else in the game that might cause it? Is the regular doctor's vehicle working as it's supposed to?
  12. Not as far as I know. You have to manually send the doctor back to the ambulance. The paramedics will return to the ambulance automatically though, like I said. That's why I deactivated the automation option.
  13. Strange... I'm using the same files, and extracted them like described in the instructions. Everything is working great here.
  14. He won't go back by himself (automation issue), or are you unable to send him back? (no enter action avaliable) I had to disable automation, because the paramedics would take the patient and leave without the doctor. I'm not really a fan of the automation anyway, as I felt it controlled the game a little too much. So for me it really wasn't that much of a deal. The doctor is not meant to automatically enter the vehicle, he will only run over to the next injured person if there is one.
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