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  1. Umm, I know what truck your talking about. You are talking about Squad 303 from the Lutherville Vol. Fire Co. and they are not in the Chicago Area they are in Baltimore County, MD. http://www.lvfc.com/
  2. No actually they are all KME's with from what I've seen 3 Ferrara Ignitors (the 2 on the left in the middle pic and the ladder in the bottom pic)
  3. Why does it matter. I mean Maryland is a small state, but Ocean City is not the only place there. And that mod is not based on Maryland it's based on Ocean City. If this was more than a concept, and the author actually had some skills I would love to help him, but once again it's just a mod that's going to sit here and in about 6 months someone's going to ask if there's been any progress and an admin is going to come lock it.
  4. I've played the Mod with Windows 10 and doesn't look like it has changed anything (Still crashes after a few events).
  5. The model itself is about 75%-80% Done. Just need to add a Rear bumper and some of the Details. I will show some more progress tomorrow where hopefully this unit will be ready for Skinning.
  6. Just thought I would share a little update from what I'm doing. Engine 42 (So Far)
  7. I'm on the Teamspeak right now if you want to get on, and I see if I can see what your doing wrong.
  8. What type of files are your stations? Are they still in the Sketchup file Format?
  9. Yeah mine will go a little bit longer but then it still crashes
  10. Chicago Emergency Services Chicago Emergency Services is a new clan with experienced leaders. The clan is based around the TV shows Chicago Fire and Chicago PD. We are currently looking for New Members and we are also working on a Chicago Mod (No relation to the Chicago Fire Mod). Chicago FD: Station 51 Station 66 Chicago PD: 39th Precinct 47th Precinct If your interested in joining go to the link <REDACTED> Teamspeak Address: <REDACTED>
  11. Looks good TH. Looks just like the Engine 3 in my county
  12. I don't know if this is a bug or not but a couple people including myself, can play the game perfectly fine and all of a sudden the game will crash. Does anyone know the reason behind this?
  13. INCEPTION GAMING CLAN Public Events: DEC. 20 @ 7:30PM EST the Clan will be hosting an Open House --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Inception Clan is Growing and we are always looking for New Members We are always working on new Mod Ideas and are always looking for Members with Modding Experience Departments:Fire,EMS,Police, and Communications If your interested in joining you can go send in an Application on the Website ( http://www.inceptionclan.enjin.com ) and come on the Teamspeak (inception.tserverhq.com)
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