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Everything posted by firefighter92

  1. http://www.brannmannen.no/Files/Billeder/Bildegalleri/Biler/brannmannen_42.jpg 64 ( called 66 and the moment when pictures were taken )
  2. 64 with Haz mat pod its most likely to be used . The old 62 ( Ford 350 ) is sold and out of use
  3. 02 ( Fire) is placed at Station 9 next too 01 . 02 (EMS) is placed at legevakta / Storgata 40
  4. the bus is now " 05 " and is not in service yet . we have all reserve vehicles numbered as 4x some info for OBRE (updated) http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oslo_brann-_og_redningsetat#Rullende_materiell
  5. As a firefighter in OBRE i just love the pictures i`ve seen so far . it would have been awesome to tryed this one out . PS the old firebus (91) is becoming a command central so there would be an idea gettingin the mod ;-)
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