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About pledge8236

  • Birthday 10/05/1985

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    United Kingdom
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    EM4 / Emergency Services (Serving Member) / Gaming

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  1. Looking really good. I know the area and the units look really similar to that of the real thing. Keep up the good works folks. :-)
  2. The K9 unit in 1.3 is a search and rescue dog. Can I myself change the scripts so that the k9 unit is similar to that of the last modified etc? I am an absolute novice at scripting however; I do think it would be a small detail that would sit nicely in what is an awesome mod and I'd like to have a bash. Thanks Pledge
  3. You have to bring in the ambulance that essentially is a lorry. Either call it from the ambulance section on the left or use the inbuilt dispatch option. Hope this helps. :-)
  4. It's a crying shame that given the increase in cars there is a dramatic decrease in traffic....odd. It's pretty much a West Mercia show now. The RPU/ARV's run out of Rugby. Like most forces now they cover both duties. I follow them on twitter. Very proactive team.
  5. Warwickshire and West Mercia are one of the same and they do have an RPU of their own and do not subscribe to CMPG. West Mids and staffs still have RPU's I believe but probably are likely supported by the lads and ladies from CMPG. Budget cuts sealed their fate...I digress. Looking forward to seeing future screen shots and updates on this mod. With being from the Midlands its good too see. Regards Pledge
  6. Hey Scotty, No I know that script is there...what I'm asking is would it be possible to have the police vans going into say the fire station and the bay doors close. This essentially making a van dock... I appreciate the scripts already in place. Just curious if that could be expanded on a little. Given the trucks return to the station and empty...could the police vehicles do the same???? Scripting is not something I'm offay with. Regards Pledge
  7. Hey Everyone, Can i ask and do you think its possible to create a working van dock using the ire station???? So with this the Van would return to the station and once in the officers and prisoner(s) will decamp thus resulting in the mission been complete. Appreciate its a long shot however; some of you guys are awesome at what you do... Thanks for reading. Pledge
  8. I am also interested in knowing this. I would like to amend and enhance mods. I sadly am limited in my abilities. I assume there is not detailed how to?
  9. I think its worth noting that until until we have the ability to call additional units, having whats available works or else if you had a job major incident with no units available...would be a little pointless. Its your choice of course but i would bare the above in mind.
  10. I do like the changes you have made. I have added a 3rd station which holds 2 pumps and the TL. I then put the Water Carrier / IRU's and Command Unit into one station. It also holds a Rescue pump. This kinda makes that a Tech station but works nicely. The Insignias i have combined with Ops Support and Officers. I love the detailing in this mod.
  11. Very much enjoying the mod guys. Some really impressive work. The latest update to the map is great. I did have to make a minor change to the fence where the concert is, as there was an arson attack on at the building the other side of the railway. Oddly everyone ran onto the lines and got wiped out...I added some fence...having no BTP as yet, Didn't feel it would be correctly resourced ;-) Looking forward to the coming future updates. Regards Pledge
  12. Sorry to come in on the convo a little after its been spoken about. BTP are a national force that cover as has been mentioned only the railway infustructure, BTP does have a lot of history. The armed element of BTP was brought in because of the threat like seen in the Mumbai attrosity. Currently the armed element is only present in London. Other major cities like Birmingham and Manchester would call on the assistance of the home office force in that area. There are around 3000 warranted officers within BTP however; given the geographical area covered I am confident you will appreciate why you don't always see officers parent at all stations. It's nice that the up and coming mods have included BTP. The Kent mod is an excellent example of this and sits well with all the excellent models showcased. Very much look forward to the forth coming updates. :-) Pledge (sorry to have gone off topic slightly)
  13. Thanks for the prompt reply chaps. It is a really nice model. I hadn't delved too much into the files. I will take a look but am standing by for the forthcoming updates. It's a truly outstanding mod up to this point. Huge thanks to Pottyscotty for your time and commitment. :-)
  14. Sorry if this has already been asked Potty however; is this model likely going to make an appearance in the near future???
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