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  1. Thanks, it will have to do for now until I can sort out something else.
  2. Can someone please help me with obtaining these two ladder trucks. The first is an Aerial Ladder (502I): http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8473/8134682177_cccc7d9222_o.jpg The second is a Telescopic Ladder Pumper (TLP) (502J) http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8186/8091795656_f0d18a22c4_z.jpg Thanks guys
  3. Thanks all, having trouble with the calling units in, but will add the water script to it
  4. Hi all, Just want you to know that I have continued on the Queensland Mod. It is still a WIP but I have successfully managed a new ToFirestation script and a new ToHospital script. I have received some help along the way with the firestation script. I am in the process of dealing with the XML files to allow the player to call the units from off the map rather than already having them there. I will try my best to make it multiplayer compatible but only time will tell where I get with it. As a result of this post, it is being re-opened. Thanks for reading.
  5. I see what you are on about. What about using the USFS engines and personnel as well as the FF EMT SCBA's for the thicker scrub. It can be done, you just have to get a map with a lot of bushland to do it, add the engine, units, and any other vehicle you require, and let loose from there. I would help, but am only new to this so I am of little help. If you got a map, I might be able to add some units but not scripting as I would be lost in the first few minutes.
  6. I will join, although I live in australia
  7. Hi everyone, I am from Australia, and would like to know if there are any other Australian mods AVAILABLE for download apart from Eggcarton's Queenlsand Mod. I have searched and managed to find a topic on the sydney mod, but that is as far as it got.
  8. And also, vehicles to missions. I added 4 QFRS fire trucks, consisting of two atego pumps, one scania pumper and one atego heavy rescue, and all I am getting for the missions is the atego heavy rescue truck. How do I fix this?
  9. Ok, tried and failed. I think i didn't make myself clear enough, How do I add sirens to added vehicles ingame. With the LA mod, I have added Queensland Fire and Rescue vehicles, Queensland Ambulance cars and Queensland police cars to the game, and cannot get a siren for them unless it is the QLD sirens from the Queensland Mod.
  10. ok, I will give that a try when I re-install the vehicles that I had.
  11. Hi everyone, One question I am currently seeking an answer to, How do I change the vehicles at the stations and/or change the sirens to the vehicles already on the map. I have a Queensland mod as well for 911:FR/EM4 and have worked out how to add them to the LA mod, but can't get the sirens to work, or get them added to the map. Any Ideas how to do this?
  12. In the panel on the right hand side of the page, where all the info is for all the Emergency games, the vehicles button/link takes you straight back to the home page.
  13. Thanks for the link, and for a second question. How do I unpack files? A couple of the mods I have require unpacking before installation and I cannot workout how to unpack it. Whenever I attempt to unpack the mod, it keeps bringing up a box saying that it cannot find the directory. Which directory is it referring to exactly? I have worked it out, you must unpack the actual vehicle file, not the map itself.I would still like to know how I can edit maps for my own personal use.
  14. Hi Hoppah, This is detailed, um, how do I add a vehicle/vehicles from another mod, just copy them across?
  15. Hi everyone, I have 911 First Responders which is basically EM4. I have tried and failed and would like to know, how do you add vehicles to the game. Cheers, Tony
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