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bwmsd last won the day on December 2 2018

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  1. Hi , i almost finished my mod, but i got a problem. The fact is that when i click on my ladder truck ingame the game crashes, some ladder trucks don't even show up in the list. I've added the commands: install, deinstall, basketup,basketdown Also i named everything like l1, l2, basket , etc The truck is also as a firefighter dlk selected in traits. The paths from the units and specs for the freeplay parameters are also checked and good. So what am i doing wroung? Have i forgotten anything? And is there somebody who has 5 min to check or help me? Regards, Didier
  2. +1 Would be sad to see this mod in the trash bin.
  3. Nice details, nice vehicles = Supper team/mod !
  4. I also play Arma, every expesnion pack except for the Czech pack. My question to the Arma 3 holders: How is de desync? In Arma 2 there was always desync while you were with 2 inside 1 vehicle. (I was driving on the road, while my buddy saw me going into buildings.) Arma is fantastic in my eyes
  5. Very very nice, and a good eye for details!
  6. Very nice, can't wait! Could you help me putting a dlk into my mod?
  7. Thank you. The credits will be added in a readme file when the mod comes out. Since nothing is downloadable and for personal use atm
  8. New vehicle Audi A4 WPR (Police de la route / wegpolitie / Highway Police.)
  9. Good job, looking out for this one!
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