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  1. Jim (and anyone else having the same issue), I've just updated my bios as I was having some other issues with another game, and found that EM4 is now running as smooth as ever. I've got an ASRock Z87 OC Formula motherboard, now running BIOS version P2.20 dated 04/28/2015. I was previously using the one that was on it when it got shipped, so probably not that recent. No idea how this managed to fix it, but I'm happy it did. Be aware, updating your bios can be a very risky thing to do and if you stuff it up, it can be really bad. Just be careful and make sure you know what the go is before you jump into the deep end.
  2. I was having exactly the same issue with my R9 290. Found that despite being an overwhelmingly powerful card as soon as a few vehicles with some decent lighting appeared, the FPS would start to drop below 20. The last driver update I did gave me the Radeon Version 16.6, and this seemed to solve my problem. Or at least, the worst of it. I'd recommend starting with that and see how that goes. I've got Win 10 64 Bit, so it sounds like we've got somewhat similar systems. See the images for a reference of my EM4 profile, might be something in there that changed it. Just as a reference I also attached a shot of my system info, since I stopped having the lag, I've pretty much adopted the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and not updated any drivers. What you're saying about the automatic update is pretty much spot on. There's literally nothing that can be done other then that metered setting from what I've seen/done.
  3. Hey are you alright?

  4. It is possible, but I haven't tried it. If you go into the LA mod v2.1 folder and open maps then you should be able copy the 3 files named 'freeplay.dds', 'freeplay.e4m' and 'freeplay.eft' and rename them to 'multiplayer.dds', 'multiplayer.e4m' and 'multiplayer.eft' respectively. Make sure you back up the current stuff called multiplayer and it should work. Many of the functions of 'to station' and similar won't work as they are disabled if the scripts recognise the game type as being multiplayer. Still, give it a shot and let me know if it works out for you. You may need to make some edits on the map, but this should at least get you started in the right direction. Hope that helps
  5. I don't know if there is a way to force only 1 event in freeplay, but looking at the xml files its easy to increase the time between events being generated. If you go to the folder directory of whatever mod you want to change, and open the 'specs' folder, there should be a file in there called 'fp_params_endless.xml'. Edit the second line of this. It should read something like <MinDurationBetweenEvents value = "60.0" /> Just change the number value to however many seconds you want between calls. Depending on if you play the challenge mod of the freeplay you can do the same with the 'fp_params_challenge.xml'. And the other files with similar names are for various numbers of players and different game mods. Should be able to figure it all out by looking at the file names. Hopes this helps
  6. Kyre, As I'm sure you can tell, getting 2 hours out of them is a fair effort! It really depends on why it is crashing. It could be one of 2 things; 1. Script related (if it is you can normally report it) or 2. The game has run out of memory, or something similar (most likely and never seems to generate a report) Either way, if you are playing them for 2 hours, don't stress too much about it
  7. - Intel i7 4770k @ 4.2 GHz (Using H100i cooler) - AMD R9 290 (4GB) - Asrock Z87 OC - 16 GB DDR3 - 2x 120 GB SSD - 2 TB seagate - 1 TB western digital - Corsair RM750 PSU All housed in a wicked looking Corsair 750D with about 120cm of blue LED lighting around the window. Works like the beast it is Apart from that, I have a dodgy little Asus laptop that tends to do a fair amount of work given the fact that I've owned it for 2+ years....
  8. ENG51INE, Just want to say that I am loving 1.1 The new tankers and change in pace is epic, the mod has a really good feel to it. Thanks for all the work you are putting in mate, the rate at which you are fixing issues is quite something, I know that I wouldn't quite have the stamina to keep up with everything! Thanks once again mate, and keep at it! It's paying off in the form of an epic mod!!
  9. In the editor, the blue things are virtual objects. You can edit these and give them different attributes, like helicopter only, person only and stuff like that. Just press F5 in the editor, and you can scroll though the VOs and change them. Just look for things named 'barricade' or keep selecting each one until the VO you are looking at has squares in all the corners. Then 'insert' new corners so that you can move everything around as you want. Just make sure you backup before you make any changes.
  10. I have a similar system (i7 4770k and R9 290) Found that even with the 16gb of ram, the game doesn't run as smooth as it does on my 3 year old laptop! Best fix was here, but that doesn't work with all mods. I'm assuming that it's from a difference between the AMD and Nvidia drivers (my laptop is Nvidia). I have set it up to lock the fps at the refresh rate of the monitor using the vsync in the AMD catalyst control centre, but it can still drop as low as 15-20 fps at times when a vehicle with highly detailed lights is on screen. Anyway, locking affinity to 4 cores (cores 0, 2, 4, 6) has been my best result but I'm still looking for other ways to manage it.
  11. woody_BLAH


    For the time being though, use this. Assuming bma has no issues with it?
  12. Yeah, probably should have said something about them. So, the major changes are: - Added SWAT parking - Added LASD Station - 3 More MVAs Added - Moved trees around edge of map further away and added paths alongside railway (Should give easier access to any fires in that area) - 3x Buildings added on the island Any bugs, just mention them below.
  13. So, it seems Rapidshare have changed their privacy settings. I've decided to just upload to 4shared and will post a link when I have it. I'll also upload Patch 3 to here, just so there should always be a copy available. Thanks for bringing that to my attention guys EDIT: Download Link on first page
  14. At this point in time I have managed to add a LASD station and am adding a LAPP station at the moment. I have plans to add a TEC station, but that really shouldn't be that hard. Just a quick update to those who have followed this, I ran into a bit of a road block with the Battalion Chief, so unfortunately I won't add them. And I'm hoping to get another release of this up soon, but no guarantees! Finally, if anyone has anything that they wanna see in the mod, be it a vehicle to some new mission ideas (for freeplay of course) then now is the time to post!
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