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  1. I've found some bugs with the missions, the rescue and extra fire engines lack space for the personel in them.
  2. I have a porblem with the filedropper. alternatives if you have any for the v3 beta?
  3. It has yet to occur on LA mod or NYC mod (as i have tested) It occurs on Harbor city mod I have yet to be able to load Montana Mod 2.0.1
  4. My problem i've noticed is on win 10 When I try to load any mod either the game crashs before loading or it crashes when the first event happens in freeplay.
  5. Do you have openings for some assistance? (I could do so news/forums, my editors skills are a 0 as of right now.)
  6. I was asking if you would be able to keep it and exe file and update it.
  7. Ok...so i downloaded 911:FR from atari unaware that the modloader didn't work. So i'm asking if you have thought about a non-em4mod file of the Manhattan Mod? OR possibly update the page on Moddb.com?
  8. Does it have to be (Emergency 4) could it be (911:FR) for the string value?
  9. well back to my original post (Is there a way to get modinstaller?)
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