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emergency 2013

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About emergency 2013

  • Birthday 08/06/1999

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  1. any communities still around? groups?
  2. when downloading there are 3 parts, i am assuming i need all 3
  3. So Last time I was here was in 2015 and Im just now starting to get back into the game. have there been any new emergency titles since EM 5
  4. Looking to get back into playing m 4 and want to play with others. does anyone still play this game?
  5. hows it going progress wise cant wait for it to be finished http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png
  6. I forgot the name of that game and am looking for the website/link to the website
  7. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1752350052/911-operator/widget/video.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe> i dont know what i did wrong but someone tell ,me how to properly embed this so it shows video not link and all that.
  8. Hello its been awhile since i was on here. Ive been in several *clans* and i am wondering if there are any still out there. i just reinstalled the game and would love the play with some people also would like to request name change to Falcon also question about emergency 5, what happened to that game. didn't seem so successful. bring me up to speed
  9. im sorry but is german going to be the main language if so please change it to english
  10. are there any cheats for the game yet and do you think there will come if not already
  11. when will you start/ support(ing) EM 5 on emp
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