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About deltasquad212

  • Birthday 10/18/1999

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  1. Working with ERU no more New York First Responders

  2. A border mod seems like a hard task becuase you will have to try to set up a fictional (or real) town that is close the the border your going to need a good skiner and a major scripter and model builder
  3. I am working on a chicago unit skin right now its the dive unit Im editing the heavy ambulance from the LA submod and turning it into the dive unit.
  4. How far are you on the paramedics and tec?
  5. I can skin the police units becuase my grandparents live in chicago or I can do the lights
  6. New York First Responders nyfrem4.webs.com/ Aslong as you show up for traings you should be fine
  7. For all the Ny mod players I have somthing for you a clan to go along with it check us out at nyfrem4.webs.com/
  8. hey nathan why did you join my clan anyways if you want to make us look bad on emergencyfourms.
  9. I dont think emergency4 has one but clans will have one.
  10. You cant download it intil you send a join request in the fourms and our mod manger is in the process of editing it so if your not going to join leave the site our ill kick you myself and I used Fire&Rescue before I joined your clan.
  11. Join New York First Responders we have our own type of mod and we will train and we have serious players all we need is a Team Speak server. And we have a open police chief. come to http://nyfrem4.webs.com/
  12. Yay my clan was put out yeterday and im already getting members

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